You're still the one

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December 31st.

"Mommy, I'm yours!  You're my real mommy now!  Are you so so happy?!" Coltan said to his mother with excitement.

Jessica lifted Coltan up in her arms with tears falling down her cheeks.

"Baby, I am so so happy! I love you, handsome."

"I love you more, momma!" Coltan smiles then lays on Jessica's shoulder.

"This is the perfect way to end an incredibly crazy year. Here's to an absolutely amazing new year!"

"Okay, let's eat!" Arabella shouts.

"Bella Boo, you're always hungry!" Sofia giggles.

"Yes I am now let's go!  I want Jimmy John's!"

"No!  We want pizza!" The twins say in unison."

"I want Italian." Jackson says.

"I want McDonald's!" Coltan lifts his head off of Jessica's shoulder.

"We're going home and everyone is getting a bologna sandwich!" Danny says making Jessica laugh.

"What do you want, mommy?" Coltan asks.

"Hmm.. I think Floyd's sounds delicious."

"We're going to Floyd's, guys!" He shouts.

"Mmm! That sounds good!" Sofia smiles.

"I don't want that." Arabella nods.

"Well too bad!" Joshua says.

"Hey!" She shouts and pushes him over.

"Cut it out!" Danny grabs her and sits her on his lap.

"NOOO!  I wanna walk!  I'm a big girl, daddy!"

"You're staying put."

Arabella throws a tantrum.

Jessica sighs and says, "Let's go home and I'll just make lunch.  You kids are too much for a restaurant."

"I think that's a great idea." Danny says trying to hold Arabella down.

"I don't wanna sit in the wheelchair! I wanna walk!"

"Ha Ha!" Joshua sticks his booty out and points to his sister.

"I'm gonna bite you!" Arabella leans towards him.

"Enough, you two!" Jessica slightly raises her voice.


"Lunch was so good, mommy!" Joseph says giving his mother a thumbs up.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it, Joe!" Jessica smiles.

"Yeah.. mommy, I want a turtle."

"Baby, we're not getting a turtle."

"But why?!" He whines.

"I want a giant cat!" Joshua shouts.

"NO!  We getting a turtle!"

"A CAT!"

"I sneeze with kitty cats so that's not going to happen!" Arabella nods.

"I want a little puppy dog!" She says in a high pitched voice.

"We are not getting a turtle, or a giant cat, OR a puppy.  But we are going to take a nap!"

"NOOOOO!!!!" All four little ones scream.

Danny came walking in to help her.

Joseph then threw him self down and started throwing a tantrum.

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