I won't give up

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A week later.

Dorothy is currently staying with Danny to help him with the kids. Danny is not her favorite but she is doing this for her daughter and grandchildren, not him.
Jessica is currently still unresponsive.
Her family is continuing to pray for her to make a full recovery.

As for Danny, he was lost without Jessica.
He looked rough.  He hadn't shaved, he barely ate.
He was so worried about his wife.
Coltan was physically doing ver well.  Mentally not so much.  All the progress he's made was gone.  He went back to the very beginning.  In fact, he was worse this time around.

Of course he loved his biological mother, but Jessica has been his mother now for two years. Their relationship has grown and he loves her more than anyone else in this world.  Not being able to see her, hear her voice or feel her made Coltan extremely upset.

One positive thing happening for the Huston family, is Coltan being released.  Today he will be reunited with his siblings.  Danny is hoping that will help him get back to the fun energetic child he once was.

"Daddy, I can't leave without mommy.  Will she come with us?"

"I'm afraid not, buddy.  Mommy still has to get better before going home."

"But I need my mommy!" He cries softly.

"Will I ever see her again?"

"Of course!  She just needs some rest.. she'll be good as new soon."

"I'm so scared, daddy!" Coltan cries even harder.

Danny sits beside him and holds him in his arms.
"Colt, I know it's hard right now.. but we just need to keep praying.  We need to continue to ask God to help mommy get better.  She's so strong, isn't she?"

Coltan wipes his tears and looks up to Danny.
"She's the strongest lady I know!"

"Me too.  So we both know mommy will get through this!  We're gonna be okay."

"I hope so.. I don't want to lose another mommy."

"Don't worry, buddy.  You won't."


Two weeks later.

"Mr. Huston, please listen to us."

"I AM listening!  You're saying to give up on my wife!
After fifteen years of marriage I'm supposed to just give up on her and let her die?!  NO!  I'm not going to.  I will give you all of the money I have." Danny was shaking from the emotion that filled his body.

"I will not stop fighting!  That woman's time here is not over.  She still has so much more to do.
So NO!  I will not sign anything!  You just keep doing your job.  Help my wife become the woman she used to be." Danny spoke in a tearful whisper.

After discussing Jessica, Danny walked into her room and sat down beside her.  He held her hand and spoke.

"Jessie.. baby, please wake up!  I can't do it.  I can't live without you!  I need you to wake up!" Danny said, that last part a bit louder and filled with anger.

"I know you can hear me, angel.. I love you.
.. and I am so sorry for not being the husband you deserved.  I promise you.. I won't give up on you."

Deep down he knew he was only prolonging the inevitable.  But Danny loves Jessica, and cannot accept this being the end of not only their relationship, but of her in general.

Danny wasn't ready to lose the love of his life.

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