He's gone

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"Sarah, what do I do?! What if he was on it! He-He.. Fuck! Why does this stuff happen?!"

"Jessica, maybe he missed it!"

"No, he would have called! Oh my god.." Jessica touches her chest and starts hyperventilating.

"Jessica, sit down.  You need to calm down."

"How the fuck do I calm down?!" Jessica pushes her way.

"Mommy, what's wrong?!" Sofia runs down.

"Nothing sweetie, go upstairs!"

"Somethings wrong!  Tell me!" Sofia panics.

"Baby, please go upstairs.  Everything's fine!"

Sofia listen to her mom and goes upstairs.
She heard her crying and knew that Jessica wasn't telling her the truth.

Sarah turned the tv on and the news report said that the plane had been found, and there were no survivors."

Jessica fell to her knees and sobbed.
Everything they've been through.  The happiness, the heartbreak, Jessica thought back to it all.

"He can't just be gone!  This isn't real.  It's not!" Jessica stands up and rushes to grab her phone.

"There's no way he was on that plane." She says looking for his number.

"Hey you've reached Danny Huston, leave your name and number, and I'll call you later. If this is Jessica, I'm sorry I missed your call, beautiful. Muah! I love you!" Jessica hears the beep and breaks down once again.

"I love you too Danny! Please be okay.. I can't go on without you! Pick up the phone.. Please pick up the phone." She says that last part in a whisper.

Jessica hung up, then clutched her phone in her hand.
She looks to the side where one of his shirts was thrown. She grabs it and brings it to her face to take in his masculine scent.

"Danny.. Danny! Sarah, he's gone!" Jessica looks at her with tears pouring down her face.

"How do I tell the kids their father d-" Jessica couldn't get herself to say it.

"I can't do this.. I need him! I don't want to live without him!"

Jessica hears the news report saying that it was the plane that Danny Huston was supposedly on.

"Those fuckers! How do they even know that? Turn it off!!" She screams.

Sarah quickly does what she asks.

"What if his kids were in here and they heard that?
... The kids.. They're so young... He.. He'll miss everythin--" Jessica cries hard as she stands there holding his shirt.

"This is a dream. It's not happening. He's not gone.."

Sarah walks over to her and hugs her.

Jessica sobs and let's her body go limp.

"Why did he leave? Why did he leave me, Sarah?"

"I'm so sorry, Jessica."

Jessica let's out loud hurtful cry. She was so loud that they didn't notice the front door opening.


Jessica looks up and gasps when she hears the familiar deep voice.

"Danny?! Danny! Danny! Danny!" Jessica releases Sarah and drops his shirt.

"Oh my god!" She runs as fast as she can and jumps up, wrapping her arms and legs around him.

"Jess I-"

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