I'll never leave you

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After Trisha's service Danny took him home.

"Daddy, my mama not gonna come back?" Coltan looked into Danny's eyes with sadness.

Danny took a deep breath and touched his arm.

"Momma.. She'll always be in your heart. We won't get to see her anymore but.. She's with you, and she'll never ever leave you.."

"Oh.." Coltan lowered his head. 

"Daddy, you not gonna leave me, wight?"

"No, I'll never leave you, son."

Coltan stands up and wraps his arms around Danny.
Danny held him in his arms and didn't want to let go. It was obvious he needed this hug and he wasn't going to be the one to pull away.

Coltan fell asleep beside Danny. He no longer wants to sleep in his room anymore so they've been sharing the bed.

Once he was sure he was sure Coltan was in a deep sleep, Danny quietly snuck away to go and call Jessica.


"Hey Jess."

"Hey... How did everything go?"

"I think he gets it now. It was horrible watching him look at her that way, but I think he understands."

"I'm sorry you have to go through this."

"Thanks.. I miss you, Jess."

"I know.." The truth was Jessica missed him too.  This was all still so fresh and weird to her.  Right now Jessica doesn't know what she wants.

"Jess, I miss the kids.  How are they?"

"They're doing well.  Thank God for Sarah, she's been with them since I'm working so much."

"Well that's good... I'll be there as soon as I'm able to, Jess."

"It's okay, I know. You have to be there and figure everything out.
... Danny, I'm sorry for the way I was when you first found out about him... You Should see him.. he's your son.  Even though I obviously do Not agree with the way he was conceived, or when he was conceived.. It happened and now that his mother is gone, I don't want to keep you from him."

"Well thank you, Jess.  I was reall hoping to hear that.  I'm hoping to be out of here by the weekend.  His family wants some time with him, but after they've gone back we can head up to New York and try to get into some type of new routine."

"Wait.. What? We?"

"Yeah.  Cole and I!"

"You have custody of him?"

"Yeah.  Who did you think would?"

"I had just assumed her parents would take him.  Danny, what are your plans now?  You're just gonna raise him?"

"Jessica, he's my son!  No matter how or when he was conceived, he is My son and I'm not leaving him."

"He barely knows you, I thought he'd be more comfortable with someone who's been there since he was born."

"I've seen him multiple times since February, Jessica. I don't expect you to understand, but I love him. The same way we fell in love with our children the moment we found out you were pregnant, was the same way I fell in love with Cole when I found out he was mine. I'm sorry Jessica, you know I am! I'll never forgive myself for sleeping with her and hurting your sweet heart.. but it happened.. and He happened.. and I won't walk away from him."

"Danny, you know I feel for him but what do you expect me to do? You just want me to raise him? Danny, this is all happening so fast and it's too much!"

"I know it'll take some time, but Jessica I don't know what else to do! I miss you and the kids, and I want to be with him. I have to right now. Please just let me go up there and see everyone."

"You have to talk to your children about that, Danny. How do you think they'll feel when you show up with him?"

"I don't know, I'm sure it'll difficult and awkward but.. I think it'll be okay, Jess. You have to understand where I'm at, Jessica.. Please."

Jessica sighs and runs her hand through her hair.

"I have to go, the twins are fighting."


"Good night, Daniel."

Jessica hung up and Danny sighed.

"What does she expect me to do?" He says quietly to himself.

Danny walked over to the bed and watched Coltan sleeping. He placed his hand on his side and kissed his cheek before whispering, "Even if I wasn't there from day one.. I love you and I'll never leave you, little guy."

Sorry I haven't updated in a while! I'm still trying to figure out a few things, but I will try to update soon! Hope you all are still enjoying! <3

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