We were so happy

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Danny left and Jessica bawled her eyes out. All she wanted was to be happy. 
She was happy, this is the happiest she's ever been.  But now after this.  Jessica didn't know if they'd ever be happy again.

After a while Jessica went upstairs to her room and continued crying. 
Jessica tried her best to keep it down or just stop crying all together, but she was so hurt she couldn't stop herself.

Sofia heard her mother so she got out of bed and quietly ran and knocked softly on the door.


Jessica lightly gasped, "Are you okay?  Go back to sleep."

"Can I come in."

Jessica quickly wiped her face and brushed her bangs over attempting to cover as much of her face as she could.

"Yeah.. come in, baby."

"What's wrong?  I heard you crying?  Wait, where's daddy?  Is he okay?" Her daughters eyes slightly widened with fear.

"Your father's fine."

"Then where is he?  Are you fighting again?  Did he hurt you?"

"No baby, we're fine!"

"Then why are you crying?"

"I'm not, it's just allergies."

Sofia didn't believe a word her mother was saying.  That was her mom and she obviously knew her well. She could tell when she was upset, and now was one of those times.

Sofia climbed up onto the bed and sat up tall on her knees beside Jessica.

Sofia wrapped her arms around her and laid Jessica's head on her chest. "It's okay, mommy. Whatever it is it'll be okay."

"Oh I know it will, sweetheart. I'll be okay."

Sofia kissed Jessica's head and rubbed her arm.

"I'm gonna sleep in here with you tonight."

"It's okay, honey.. I'm okay, really."

"I'm sleeping with you." Sofia's soft voice was more demanding this time.

"Okay.. thank you, my love."

"No problem." Sofia kissed her head once again before grabbing her cheeks in her palms and looking deep into her eyes.

"I love you."

"I love you too, princess. You're such a sweet girl." Jessica spoke in a whisper as tears continued falling.

Jessica laid down and Sofia cuddled up close to her mother.
Jessica lightly brushed her hair and held her tight.  She was so blessed to have such a sweet girl.

Jessica couldn't help but think of how Sofia's reaction about Danny's other son would be.  She worried about all of them but especially Sofia's.  She was the only one of their kids that knew about the affair and was absolutely heartbroken when she found out.  Jessica didn't want Sofia to hate Danny, but she knew that she wouldn't be the same with him for a while after finding out.


The next morning Jessica woke up with Sofia's hand wrapped around her waist.
Jessica kissed her forehead and just watched her for a second.  She smiled softly before turning to the nightstand and checking her phone.

Jessica had a bunch of missed calls and text messages from Danny.
She sighed and placed her phone back on the nightstand.

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