Standing baby

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Weeks have past and it's now August. Danny has been busy with tv interviews and different press events so Jessica has been alone with the kids.

Being honest she wanted nothing more than to go back home and be with her family, but Danny wanted them to be there with him so she stayed.

Sofia is happy all the time, it doesn't really matter where she is. Yes she misses her friends but when you have as many siblings as she does it's hard to ever feel lonely.
Jackson on the other hand was very homesick. He missed his friends but most of all he missed his grandma and grandpa. He'd often cry and cry for them until Jessica would let him FaceTime with them.
The babies really don't know the difference, so they were fine.
Arabella's asthma has been acting up so Jessica has tried her best to stay in side and keep her away from any germs until she is able to see her specialist back home.
The twins are growing fast and are now almost nine months old and getting into anything they can get their little hands on.


"Arabella will you please walk for mommy? You're such a big girl now, I know you can do it!"

Arabella is 18 months and has still not even attempted walking. Danny tells her that it's okay and that she'll eventually get it, but it worries Jessica more and more everyday.

Jessica stood Arabella on her feet and Arabella would just plop down to the ground. It hurt Jessica but she started thinking that maybe something was wrong.

"Danny, are you free on Monday? At least in the morning?"

"I think so, why?"

"I made an appointment for Arabella with a doctor I read is very good."

"Why? What's wrong?"

"Danny she's still not walking!"

"Honey, give her time. It'll happen."

"She's eighteen months old! Danny, somethings wrong."

"She was a preemie, Jess."

"It doesn't matter! I'm taking her to the doctor! I'd rather be safe than sorry."



Danny stayed home with the kids and Jessica took Arabella to the doctors office.


"What baby?" Jessica looks down to Arabella who was on her lap.

Arabella smiles and grabs Jessica's face in her little hand.

"Hi pretty girl!"

Arabella giggles and lays on her mother's chest.

"You're such a good girl! The doctor is gonna check your little legs and you're gonna be a good girl for him too, right? Momma will be with you the whole time, so there's no need to be scared."


"That's you!" Jessica giggles and kisses her head.

She takes the diaper bag with her and follows the nurse to the back.


After a while of waiting the doctor finally comes in and Jessica explains to him why she's there.

"My daughter was a preemie born at twenty six weeks and now she's eighteen months old.  I'm just worried because she's not walking yet.  She doesn't even like pulling herself up to stand.  I just want to make sure she's okay."

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