Let's play a game

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Jessica didn't tell Danny what happened at lunch with Sarah.  She just didn't feel like talking about it.
Someone she's know since high school couldn't accept the fact that she was happy.

"Hey baby, how'd it go?"
"Good. *Smiles* How were things here?"
"Great!  We made cookies!"
"Yum!  Give me some!" Her eyes light up.


Three weeks later.  Arabella is six weeks old, and she and Danny have been back together for one month.

"Happy one month of being back together." Danny hugged Jessica from behind.
She giggled and continued frying bacon.
"Thanks, you too."
"I think this calls for a little celebration."
And what do you have in mind?"
"A few things.." Danny answers.
Jessica laughs.
"Let me take you out tonight."
"Wherever you want."
"I don't know." She lifts her shoulders.
"Do you want Mexican food?"
"Mmm!  I always want Mexican food!" She smiles and puts the bacon on a plate.
Danny grabs her hips and turns her around.
"Alright, it's a date!"
He pulls her closer to him and leans in to kiss her lips.
His lips slightly part as he gets closer to her, and Jessica slicks a piece of bacon in his mouth.
She chuckles and he fishes it all into his mouth.
"Mmmm.  This is good!"
"Thanks." She smiles.


Jessica and Danny swung by the hospital for a few hours before going out on their date.

"Hi Arabella!  You are looking better and better, sweet girl!" Jessica holds her close to her chest.
"She sure is!  Look at that.  Is that a start of a little leg roll!" Danny points to her thigh.
"Oh I think so!!  I love baby rolls!" Jessica kisses her head.


They get to the restaurant and Danny pulls her chair out for her.

"Thank you!" She smiles.
"You're welcome, beautiful." He kisses the top of her head.

He takes his seat and orders a frozen margarita.
"And for you, ma'am?"
"Um, I'll take a water, thanks."
"Alright, I'll be right back."

The waiter leaves and Danny says, "This is date night and you ordered water?"
"Yeah, I can't drink, Danny!  I'm nursing!"
"That's right, sorry."
"It's fine... So.." She leans on the table and smiles.
"So.." He says in his deep voice as he smirks.
She laughs and he asks, "Hey, I was gonna ask.  Have you talked to Sarah lately?"
Jessica sits up and stutters a bit.
"Uh.. No.  She-She's busy with work, and I have the baby.  So no.  No, I have not talked to her."
"Oh.  Okay.  Is everything alright?"
"Yeah, everything's fine!" She smiles.
Jessica, have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?" He grabs her hands.
"Danny!" She blushes and looks down.
"You're stunning , baby."
"Than you." She smiles.

They order an appetizer, and Jessica says, "Okay, let's play a game."
"Alright." He smiles.
"If you could try out any occupation for one day, what would it be?"
"Hmm.  Well when I was younger I wanted to be a cowboy."
"Aw, that's cute!" Jessica laughs.
"What did you want to be?"
"Umm.. Well, like every little girl, I wanted to be a princess." She smiles.
"Well you've made that wish come true.  You're my princess."
Jessica giggles and says, "Next question.  If you had to relive one moment in your life, what would it be and why?"
"Ummm... Hmm. I would relive August 14th 2000."
"Very specific.  Why?" She smiles.
"Because that was the day I fell in love with you."
"What?" She looks at him confused.
"It was the first day of freshman year.. You were this shy little thing. 
You were wearing a white top with a black cardigan, jeans, and black shoes.  Your hair was clipped back, with a few strands framing your face, and you had your glasses on."
Jessica gets a sparkle in her eyes and her mouth opens slightly.
"I didn't say anything to you, but like the creeper that I am, I watched you from a distance.  You looked to nervous.. At the time I didn't know what was going on, but now I know that that's just your personality. 
Little did I know.. That this extremely beautiful and self-conscious girl that I spent the whole first day staring at.. Would give me three beautiful children.  So that's the day I would relive." He smiles and takes a sip of his drink.
Jessica's eyes were filled with tears, "Wow.." She smiles.
"I can't believe you remember all of that."
"You always remember the day you fell in love."
She smiles, then snaps out of it and clears her throat.
"Next question!"
He chuckles and says, "Wait, wait, wait!  What's yours?"
She takes a deep breathe and says, "Well mine would probably be the day we found out we were going to be parents. 
I remember we were at the fair, and I couldn't stop throwing up, but I also couldn't stop eating! *Laughs*
You followed me into one of those freaking small ass porta potty things.. Lord knows how we squeezed into that damn thing!  I remember just bawling my eyes out!  I was so sick and I thought I was dying!" She laughs.
"And do you remember what I said?" He chuckles.
"Yeah!  Uh dude, maybe you're pregnant!" Jessica mocks his voice and laughs, then continues, "I really didn't think I was either!"
"I know!  We stopped at Walmart at like two in the morning for a pregnancy test!"
"Yep!  Remember I made you take one?!" She laughs.
"Yes I do!"
Jessica looks down and smiles without saying anything for a while.
"... But the look on your face when we saw that positive sign... That look was priceless.  The fact that my husband.. This man I loved so so much, was going to be a daddy.. That made me feel so happy." She says in almost a whisper.
"So no matter how sick I was, I would one hundred percent relive that day."
Danny smiles, and reaches over to grab her hand.
"What's the next one?" He asks.
"Well I don't know!  That one was a really good question, I can't top it now! 
Umm... I don't now, what celebrity annoys you the most?"
"..Uh, gosh, what is her name?!  Jessica Lange!"
Jessica opens her mouth, letting out a little gasp and hits his hand, "RUDE!" She yells in a cute voice as they both laugh.

After dinner, they order some desert.
Jessica sticks a piece of chocolate cake in her mouth and says, "Okay!  One more!  What would you want us to do together for the next ten years, if you knew they were our last?"
"Wow... Let me think.  Like, are we dying?"
"Yes." She chuckles.
"You have a very creative mind!" He laughs and Jessica nods.
"I would say.. We homeschool the kids, and travel around the world together.  We could hire nanny's that could watch the kids, so we go out and have some alone time... And then, we'd die in each other's arms after some really really great sex!"
"Sounds amazing!" She laughs.

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