First Christmas

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A few days later.

"You okay, Danny?"

"I'm fine."

"No, you're hurting. Have you taken your pain medicine?"


"Well I wonder why you're in pain then!"

Danny chuckles and Jessica gets his medicine.

"You pushed my fat ass in that wheelchair at the zoo, you held my leg back all through the delivery, and you've taken on everything around the house since we've been home, no wonder you're hurting.  My poor baby!

Here, take these and go take a hot shower, I'll be fine by myself for a little while.  Besides, your mom is on her way."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes.  Go."

"Thanks baby."

"No problem."


"Zoey!  Thank God you're here!  I sent Danny to take a hot shower and all three babies are having fits!  I still can't lift Bella, and I can only lift one twin at a time.  Help me!" She pouts.

"Oh sweetie!" Zoey grabs her face in her palms and kisses her forehead.

"Here, I'll take Bella and Joseph, go sit down with Joshua, he seems to be calming down.  Try to relax, okay?"

"Okay.  Thank you so much."

"Don't mention it!"

She sits down and Jackson runs over to her.

"Mommy I'm hungry!" 

"Oh I forgot about your food!  Hang on one second, I'll get it!"

"Mommy, don't forget about my food!" Sofia says.

"I'm coming, baby."

Zoey sees Jessica walking into the kitchen and she stops her.

"Jessica!  Go sit down!"

"I forgot about the kids lunch."

"I've got it, you go sit!  You're still recovering and you need to take it easy."

"Zoey, I feel bad."

"Well don't!"

"Okay..." She pouts and walks away.


"Mmaaa!  Mmaaa!" Arabella cries.

"Jessica sits on the couch with tears running down her face.

Zoey take Joshua and hands her Arabella.

"Sweetie, don't get upset!  It's okay."

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