I almost forgot!

341 28 14

Jessica fed Arabella and burped her, then laid on the couch and put the baby on her chest.
She threw a blanket over the both of them, and rested her hands on Arabella's back.
Jessica spoke softly and caressed her back, "Go to sleep, baby girl... Today's been a long day, so rest your pretty little eyes and have sweet sweet dreams..."


During the night Danny reached over to pull Jessica closer to him but when he realised she wasn't in bed, he woke up.
"Jess?" He sits up.
Danny saw that the light was off in the bathroom, so he went downstairs and saw them both sleeping peacefully.
He smiled and kisses both of their heads, then laid on the couch across from them so that he would be there if Jessica needed anything.

The next morning Jessica woke to the soft coos of a baby, and the sound of a whisk hitting a bowl.
She smiles down at her, and gently picks her up to hold her in her arms.
"Good morning pretty girl!  Oh it's so good waking up to you!  Did you sleep well?  This is the first time in months, that mommy actually had a good nights rest... And you slept so well!  You never even woke up once! 
... It's so nice to have you home, baby." She kisses her forehead.
"Let's go see what daddy's making!"
Jessica walks into the kitchen and smiles at the sight she sees.
Danny was wearing his boxers and Jessica's apron. He was facing the counter, so she got a clear view of his bottom.
"Well good morning, daddy." She smiles.
"Oh hi, mommy!  How's our baby?" He walks up to her with a smile.
"Amazing!  She slept so well!"
"Well good!" Danny kisses Jessica, then bends down and kisses the baby.
"And how are the babies?" He puts his hand on her stomach.
Jessica's eyes widen and she laughs.
"What?" Danny asks confused.
"It's just.. I guess with everything, and I don't know, maybe I have pregnancy brain already, but.. I almost forgot about being pregnant.  I'm so sorry, babies!" She looks down at her tiny bump.
Danny laughs and rubs her back.
"Well it's okay, it's understandable given the situation."
"Thanks." She chuckles as she couldn't believe what she did.
"But really, how are they?"
"Well good if I didn't even noticed them!" She laughs.
"Heh!  Well that's good, hopefully it stays that way.  You deserve an easy pregnancy."
"Oh I'm okay, it's all worth it anyway."
"How were you with her? I remember you telling me you were really tired all the time, right?" Danny asks looking down at the baby.
"Ah yes, all the time! And I was SO sick!  ... Sarah was a big help."
Danny bites the inside of his lip and nods his head.
*Clears throat*
"Well, I'm glad she was there for you." He looks into her eyes.
"... Yeah... Speaking of Sarah, she's coming by today... Is that okay?"
"Sweetie, she's your friend, you don't have to ask me for permission.... Besides.. Sarah and I.. We've moved passed everything.. I think."
"Well good.. I mean, you're my husband.. She's my best friend.. It was kinda an awkward situation."
"Yeah, I understand.  Don't worry, I won't make it awkward.. I'm done with being an ass."
"Well it's about damn time, honey."
He laughs and playfully whacks her arm with a dish towel.
"I'm just messing with you!" She laughs.
"Well no, you're right.  It is about time.." He gives her a small smile.
She giggles and leans over to kiss his lips softly.


Sofia runs down the stairs and says, "Where's the baby? Is she okay?!"
"She's perfect, honey. I think she's ready for breakfast, though."
"What is she gonna eat?"
"Milk of course!" Jessica giggles.
"Oh right." Sofia smiles.
Jessica sits down, lifts her shirt up and unhooks her nursing bra.
Sofia sits next to her and watches as the baby latches on and starts eating.

Jessica smiles and softly runs her finger on Arabella's cheek.
Sofia looks at Jessica's chest, then looks and touches her own.
"Yes, baby?"
"How are you doing that?"
"What?" She laughs.
"What's going on?"
"Sweetie, don't you remember when I used to feed Jackson?"
"Oh! Well.. You see, when you have a baby, you're able to feed them with the milk that uh.. Is in your boobs..."
"Like a cow?"
"Uh well kinda.. but this is just for the baby.  It comes with pregnancy and giving birth.. not everyone is born with milk in their boobs." Jessica laughs. She didn't really know how to explain it.
"It's really good for the baby, and it gives her all the nutrients she needs."
"Did I eat like that?"
"Mhm." She nods.
"Does it hurt?"
"Well when I had you, yes it hurt a lot! Jackson it was only a little sore the first couple weeks, and it's never bothered me with Arabella."
"Oh... Well okay." She lays her head on Jessica's arm and stares at the baby.

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