I hate you but I love you

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"I better get dressed and head home. Thanks for breakfast... and last night. It was pretty amazing." Jessica blushes.

"No problem!" Sam says with a nervous laugh.

"But really. Thank you."

"Hey! Any time!" He chuckles.

Jessica walked over and sat in his lap.
She wrapped her arms around him and laid her head on his shoulder. Sam held her in his arms and they stayed that way for a while.

After Jessica got dressed she came out to the living room to say goodbye.

"Alright Sam, I'm heading out."

"Okay, you be careful. Call me if you need anything."

"I will, thanks."

"And remember your promise." Sam walks over and places his hands on her waist.

"Do what makes you happy."

Jessica nods and gives him a tight hug.

"No matter what, I will always be here for you."

"I know.. Thank you so much, Sam. I love you."

"I love you too."

"Oh and don't worry. I'm not going to say anything to Daniel.. This isn't something that needs to be said. Sam, this was something special for both of us.. Only we have to know about it."

"Thanks.." He smiles softly.

Jessica slowly leans in and kisses his lips softly.

"I'll see ya."

"Okay.. Bye."


Jessica got into the car and called Sarah.

"Jess! Where the hell were you!"

"I'm so sorry! Sam wanted me to come by last night and we got to talking.. I fell asleep over there, and I'm really sorry!"

"It's fine, I was just worried when you didn't answer me this morning."

"Yeah sorry about that. My phone wasn't working. How are the kids."

"Sofia and Jackson are still sleeping, the twins are just getting up, and Arabella has been up since five."

"Five! What?!"

"Yeah I don't know."

"I'm so sorry. I'll be home soon."

Jessica hangs up and scrolls thru all of her missed calls. There were quite a few from Danny. There was also one text message from him that said, "I love you."

Tears fill Jessica's eyes. She did still love him, but she didn't know what to do.

Jessica replied back with a simple, "I know."

Despite all that's happened, she did know that Danny loved her. Jessica had a lot to think about. It's not just the two of them. It's the kids as well. Eventually they'd have to get together and figure out a way of telling them about Danny's other son.

When Jessica got to the house Arabella ran up to her.

"Mama I missed you! Uhm.. You kinda smelly, mama." Arabella says moving her face away from her mother.

"Thanks." Jessica laughs and puts her down.

"I'm gonna take a quick shower."

Sarah follows Jessica to her room.

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