I get to love you

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"Mommy, Daddy, wake up! We have to go get the baby! It's time to bring her home!!!" Sofia jumps up and down on the bed.
"Sofia!" Jackson yells.
Jessica laughs and says, "It's okay baby, she's just excited."
"Lets go, lets go, lets go!!!"
"We're coming!" Danny says in an excited tone.
"Ahhh!" She jumps up and down.
"Sof, you do know that you're not coming with us to the hospital, right?"
"What? Why?!" She throws herself down on her knees and pouts.
"Because there will be a lot of paperwork, and other things that will take too long and you two will be bored."
"But I won't be! Please take me with you!!"
"I'm sorry, baby, but grandma and grandpa are on their way to stay with you."
"But mommy!"
"Just try and go back to sleep, so that it'll go faster, then I'll have grandma wake you up to take a shower and get ready for the day. By the time you're ready for breakfast we should be home."
"Oh man!" She crosses her arms.


"Oh my gosh, Danny, I'm so nervous! We're about to bring our baby girl home." She stops right before they get to the nursery.
Danny smiles and says, "Don't be nervous.. I'm here for you." He places his hands on her arms.
She smiles and he kisses her forehead.

"Hi, we're here to pick up a baby!" Danny jokes with the nurses.
"Heh! Well she is all ready to go home! If you want to change her you can, I know she's always dressed to impress."
"Thank you, we try!" Jessica smiles.
"She has been the best dressed baby that has ever been in the NICU!"
Jessica laughs and says, "Well good! I feel accomplished!"
"As you should." She laughs.

Jessica changes Arabella, and they get the paperwork out for them to sign.

After everything is all ready, Jessica kisses Arabella and lays her down in the carrier.
"All buckled up and ready to go!" She says in a cute voice.
Danny walks back in from pulling the car up and Jessica says, "Alright, madam.. Your ride is here." She smiles and motions over to Danny.
"Hi baby girl!" He kisses the baby's cheek.
Arabella makes a cute baby noise and smiles.
They both laugh at how cute she is, and Danny lifts the carrier.
"Alright! We are out of here!"
"Duces!" Jessica throws a piece sign and she and Danny wrap one arm behind each other's backs as they walk out.

Danny buckles the baby in and Jessica sits beside her.
"Well it was a long long journey, and we have many more things to overcome.. but I think we're gonna be okay." She says gently running her finger on her little arm.
"Right, daddy?"
"Right, momma." Danny smiles at her through the rearview mirror.


Sofia sat at the door just staring and waiting to see their car pull up.

"THEY'RE HERE!" She yells.
Dorothy runs to the front door and opens it, "Okay you guys, she's just a little baby, so we have to speak very softly, alright?"
"Yes grandma." They nod.
She smiles and turns around.
"Oh my baby's home!" She yells.
"Grandma!" Jackson tugs on her pant leg.
"Sorry! I couldn't help that one!"

Jessica took her out of the carrier and held her as she walked into the house.
"Welcome home, Arabella Kaidyn.... Welcome home, baby girl." She says in a soft voice as she smiles and softly kisses her forehead.
Danny places his hand on Jessica's back and thanks her parents for coming to watch the kids.
"Oh it was no problem at all!
... Can I hold her please?!"
"Of course!" Jessica hands her over and Dorothy starts crying.
"Oh my heart... I just keep thinking about the day we were all in the NICU.. Thinking that we were saying goodbye to this little one." She cries harder.
Jessica begins to tear up and she wraps her arm around her mother.
"I know... she is such a strong little fighter.  I thank God everyday that I get to keep her.  I don't know what I would've done."
Dorothy looks at Jessica and gives her a small tearful smile.
"You gave us a scare, didn't you, baby girl?  Yeah you did!  But you are so strong and determined.  You beat all the odds, we are so proud of you." Dorothy kisses her as Jessica leans over and kisses her mom.


After Albert and Dorothy both got to hold her, they handed her back to Jessica and both kids sat right beside her.
"She looks like a doll, mommy." Jacksons says.
Jessica smiles and says, "Yes she does."
"I wanna see what her outfit looks like." Sofia says.
"Okay." Jessica unwraps her.
"Oh that's so cute!"
"Thank you!  The nurses said she was the best dressed baby they've ever seen in the nursery." She giggles.
"Well of course!  She's a Huston!"
"That's right, baby." Jessica leans over and kisses Sofia's head.
"Can I touch her foot?" Jackson asks.
"Sure." Jessica laughs.
"It's so small!"
"I know.. Isn't it cute?"
"Yeah.." He smiles.

Jackson soon gets bored and walks over to play with his toys, but Sofia was perfectly content just laying on Jessica and watching her baby sister.
Danny smiles when he saw all three of his girls together.  It was something he didn't think he'd ever see.  He was thankful that Jessica took him back, and he was beyond blessed to have his baby girl, after everything she went through.


That night Arabella was fine, she barely even cried.

"Baby, why don't you come to bed?" Danny asks walking down the stairs.
"I just wanna hold her.  I'll be up in a minute."
"Okay.  What's she doing?" He smiles.
"Nothing.. She's perfect.  I just love looking at her and holding her."
Danny smiles and kisses her forehead.
"I'll let you two have some time.  Call me if you need anything."
"Thanks, baby."

She watches Danny walk up the stairs then looks down at the baby and says, "You know, your daddy messed up, but he really is an amazing man.  You are so lucky to have him as your father....
Oh my gosh.. I can't even believe this.  I'm actually holding you.. Without machines, without doctors and nurses around, without the sound and smell of the hospital.. We're home!  We did it!" She smiles.
"I love that I get to love you.. It's the best thing in this world, baby girl."

Jessica held her and gently swayed back and forth.
She just wanted to hold her, it was like she was making up for all the time that she had missed out on.

When Arabella did get a little cranky, Jessica played a song called I get to love you, by Ruelle.

She stood up and slowly walked around and gently bounced her to the soft music.

One look at you; my whole life falls in line.
I prayed for you; before I called you mine.
I can't believe it's true, sometimes.
I can't believe it's true

Arabella calmed down, and when the chorus starts Jessica danced around with her with a huge smile on her face, as she sang to her.

I get to love you, it's the best thing that I'll ever do.
I get to love you, it's a promise I'm making to you.
Whatever may come; your heart I will choose.
Forever I'm yours, forever I do.
I get to love you, I get to love you.

Jessica cries, but finally they were tears of happiness.
"I love you, baby!  I love you so so much!" She says with her forehead on hers.

Danny heard something, so he looked down, and smiled when he saw them.  He didn't say a word, he wanted Jessica to have her time the Arabella, so he went back to bed.

Rocking her baby back and forth with the brightest smile she's had in months, Jessica looked and felt happier than she's been in a while.

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