You loved me

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That night Jessica took a shower and sat in bed next to Danny.
She nibbled at his ear and slowly took away the book he was reading.
She grabs his glasses and tosses them to the side as she kisses down his neck.
"Jessica what are you doing?"
"I want you... You never touch me anymore and I miss you...."
"Jessica it's been a long day and I'm tired."
"Please Danny..." She says in a whisper as she kisses down his chest.
Jessica tries to pull his pants down and he says, "Jessica go to bed."
She looks up at him with sad eyes and he turns to his side.

She was shocked, but she hid her tears and went to check on the kids.
"Hi baby, how your day?" She sits on the foot of Sofia's bed.
"It was good.  I did all my homework."
"Yeah... Mom?"
"What baby?"
"Do you think when you stop working you can teach me at home so I won't have to go to school?"
"That's what I was planning to do, but why don't you wanna go?"
"I just don't like it.  I wanna be with you." She hugs Jessica around her waist.
"Aw baby, I want that too!" She rubs her back.

A week later.

"I think we need to go to marriage consoling."
"For what?"
"Well Danny, we don't have the best marriage and I think we need to talk to someone."
"Jessica, don't try and fix things that aren't broken."
"Danny, look at our lives... We are broken!  I just want things to go back to the way they used to be."
Danny sighs and says, "And how was that?"
"Well you were happy! Danny, you're not happy anymore! You used to look at me like I was everything to you.. You loved me so much."
"I do love you Jess.. It's just different now."
"What do you mean?"
"I don't know.. Years pass, people change... I love you Jess, I do... But we're not nineteen and twenty one anymore."
Jessica was confused at his answer, but she was tired so she turned around and went to bed.

A few days later Jackson was sick so Jessica laid him in the bed with her.
"Jessica, he's not sleeping in the bed with us!"
"Why not? He's sick!"
"And I don't wanna catch it!'
"Danny don't be like that, he's your son!"
"You baby him way to much, Jessica."
"He's four years old!"
"Whatever.." Danny takes his pillow and a blanket and goes to the downstairs couch.

Jessica rolled her eyes and cuddled Jackson.


The next day Jessica took Jackson to set with her while Sofia was at school.
When Jessica wasn't filming, Jackson was in her arms.
She was going over a scene with Evan when Danny walked by and said, "Jessica, he's fine.  Put him down."
"It's okay Danny, I want to hold him."
"Put him down." He says in a more demanding voice.
Jessica looks at him and slowly puts Jackson down.
Danny walked off and Evan asks, "What was that about?"
"Hm?  Oh he just doesn't want me holding him since he's getting so heavy." She laughs it off.
"Isn't that right, big boy?!  You're getting too big for mommy to carry you!" She says in a cute voice before she kisses and tickles him.
During lunch Jessica was feeding Jackson and Danny says, "Jesus Jessica!  That boy will never learn anything with you babying him all the time!"
Danny's voice was loud and drew everyone's attention towards them.
"Alright Danny, just stop it." She says in a low and embarrassed voice.
"You don't tell me to stop anything!  You do not own me!  Do you understand?"
Jessica looks down and holds her tears in.
"I said, Do you understand me?!" He raises his voice.
"Yes Danny..." She says quietly.
"Hey what's going on here?" Evan walks up.
"Nothing.. It's fine, Evan." Jessica says with her head down.
"Can I talk to you for a second, Dan?" Evan touches his arm but Danny shoves him away.
"Danny stop!" Jessica says in a loud and worried voice.
Danny clenches his jaw and gives Jessica a hard look before he quickly stands up making his chair loudly hit the floor.
Jackson starts crying and Danny looks at him then walks out of the room.
Jessica picked him up and bounced him on her lap as she patted his back.
"It's okay, baby!  Everything's okay!" She kisses the top of his head and doesn't want to look up because she knows everyone is watching her.
Sarah walks into their trailer and says, "Jessica!  Evan told me!  What the hell is going on?"
"Nothing, why?"
"He told me that Danny was yelling at you! Jessica, do not let him control you. Don't let him yell at you and don't let him beat you down!"
"I know.. I'm not... He's just have a bad day.." She looks down with sad eyes.

That night Jessica got home before Danny.
The kids were in bed and Jessica was watching tv in her bedroom.
Danny walked in and Jessica didn't acknowledge him.
She didn't say a word, so Danny grabbed the remote and turned the tv off.
"Jessica, I'm sorry."
She looks at him and says, "You embarrassed me, Danny. You yelled at me in front of my friends and because why? Because I was mothering my son. Hah! Hell, call the cops on me!"
"I know Jess.. I was wrong, I know I was. I shouldn't have yelled and I shouldn't have gotten mad over what you were doing with Jackson... You're a good mother Jessica... I know I don't tell you enough, but you do a very good job with them."
"Thank you."
He sits beside her and kisses her cheek then down her neck.
"Don't you ever do that to me again." She says in a stern voice.
"I won't...I promise....  I was stupid.. I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry.." He said between kisses.
"You're sorry?"
"Then show me just how sorry you are."
Danny smirks at her before he climbs on top of her.


Jessica and Danny had a few good weeks, and Jessica was so happy.

She went to work and Sarah said, "You look happy! You have a smile on your face that I haven't seen in a long time."
"Well things have been pretty great at the Huston house." She smiles.
"Well that's great Jessica! I'm happy for you."
"Thanks... Sarah?"
"Well, in a few months I'll be a stay at home mom, so I was thinking... Maybe Danny and I could have another baby." She smiled.
"Awe Jess! How exciting!"
"I know! I don't know how Danny will feel about it, but I really hope he wants another one. I miss having a baby.. Hell, it's so bad I even miss being pregnant!" She laughs.
"Hah! Well I hope it all works out for you guys."
"Thanks Sarah."


A few days later Jessica cuddled up beside Danny and said, "Danny? I was thinking, and since I'm gonna be home all the time, maybe we could have another baby." She smiles.
"Another baby?"
Jessica bites her bottom lip and nods.
"Yeah.  Would you want another one?"
Danny takes a long pause then says, "Yeah, let's do it."
"Really?" She smiles.
"Yeah!" He smiles and flips her over so he's on top of her, then tickles her sides and kisses her neck.

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