A Mother

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Two hours later.

After Jessica woke up, Danny called her parents to let them know the good news.

"The Doctor is in with her now.  Dorothy, I know she still has a long way to go but.. she wasn't even supposed to be here!  She's so strong, and she going to fight until she is back to her old self.  I know she is!"

"She will.  I know she will, Danny!  Oh I'm so happy.  God is so good!"

"Yes he is!" Danny smiles.

Just then Danny sees the doctor walking his direction.

"The Doctor is coming, I'll call you back, okay?"

"Okay, no problem.  Thank you so much for calling me Daniel."

"Of course!  Take care."

"You too."

Danny hangs up and meets Dr. Lacy halfway.

"Mr. Huston."

"How is she?"

"We've examined her, her blood pressure is a little high, so we're working on getting it down.
She is very alert, which is good! However, she is unable to speak. We do not want to overwhelm her tonight. We're going to take baby steps. Tomorrow we'll take the feeding tube out and see how see does with eating and drinking.
Day three or four we'll try walking."

"Okay.. do you think she'll ever be the way she was?"

"Yes but, it will take time."

Danny nods. "Thank you. Can I go in?"

"Of course! I'm sure you will, but just be patient with her. It's frustrating not being able to express how she's feeling, so just let her know that it's okay, and with time she'll be back to the chatterbox you've always known."

"I will. Thank you."

Danny then walks into the room and sees Jessica laying in bed with tears in her eyes.

"Hey beautiful.
Oh don't cry! You I've done so well today!" Danny smiles and takes a seat beside her.

Jessica looks at him and tries so hard to speak.

"Baby, it's okay." Danny takes his wife's hands and looks into her eyes. "It's okay. One day at a time.
Soon you'll be talking and never shut up!"

Jessica smiled softly and nodded her head.
Danny kisses her forehead and Jessica lifted her head. She smiles before puckering her lips.

"Those beautiful beautiful little lips!" He kisses them then holds her against his chest.

Jessica looks into his eyes and slowly lifts her hand.
She softly brushes her fingers over her eye, then brings her hand to her chest and circles it over her heart. Finally, she places her hand on Danny's chest.

Danny smiles and says, "I love you more, baby."

Jessica smiles and rests her head on her husband.

"B-B...B.." Jessica sighs.

"What is it, honey?"

Jessica places her hand on her stomach and rubs it in a circle.

"Does your stomach hurt?"

Jessica nods her head.
She then holds her arms as if she's rocking a baby.

"What?  Oh!  Baby?  The kids?  Sorry!  The kids.. they're doing okay.. Sofia is trying her best to stay strong for everyone, but she's had many many breakdowns with your mother and I.. Jax is quiet.. he has his moments, but he does keep to himself a lot.
  They've all upset, they just show it in different ways.  Arabella.. it's been difficult. It's a struggle everyday, she doesn't want her inhalers, she throws a fit when we give her her insulin.. she says she only wants you to do it. The twins.. oh Jesus!" Danny chuckles. "They're wild! Those two act out constantly..
And Coltan.. I'm sure you can imagine how he is."

Jessica looks up to Danny with tears in her eyes.

"The past few months have given us a taste of what things would be like without you.. It's not easy.
We all love you and miss having you home..
So you have to keep fighting and defying those odds, baby girl.  Because we need mommy back."

Jessica looked into her husband's eyes as tears rolled down her cheeks.  She was ready to recover fully.  She missed being the most incredible thing she's ever been.  A mother.

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