Our baby

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"Danny, this is all my fault!"

"This is not your fault!"

"It didn't develop properly because I gave birth early.  Every single thing our daughter has had to deal with is because I couldn't carry her to term."

"No." Danny nods.

"Don't do this to yourself.  This is difficult already and you don't need that extra stress."

Jessica looked down and wiped her tears.

"Her appointment is Thursday at ten.  Do you mind coming with me?"

"No, of course I'll be there!"

"Thank you.. I'm so scared."

"It's gonna be okay.  Our girl is strong, Jess, you know that."

Jessica nods as she stares down to the ground.

"Momma!  Dada, play with us!" Arabella runs in with Coltan following behind with a board game.

Jessica smiles softly and sits down.

"What game are we playing, baby?"

"Candy land!" Coltan says with excitement.

"You be blue, mommy."

"What color can I be?" Danny asks.

"Gween!" Arabella hands it to him.

"Cole Cole you pick lellow!  And I pick pink!"

"That's red, silly." Jessica chuckles and rubs her back.

"No it pink!"

"Okay it's pink." She smiles.

Danny and Jessica sat down and played game after game with Arabella and Coltan.
Jessica got scared every time Arabella got a little too excited.

"Bella Boo, carful, okay?"

"Momma, I okay!  My heart doesn't hurt right now!"

Jessica's eyes filled with tears.

"Okay.. well mommy just wants you to be safe.  Let's not make it hurt, please."

"But I gotta be myself!"

"Okay, baby." Jessica chuckles.



The twins and Coltan were left with Danny's parents while Danny and Jessica took Arabella to the cardiologist.

"You okay?" Danny asks quickly looking over to Jessica while driving.

"I'm just nervous."

"It'll be okay." Danny reached over and placed his hand on hers.

Jessica nods then turns and looks out the window.

As they sat there waiting for the doctor, Danny and Jessica were both silent. They both kept thinking of all the possibilities and becoming more and more nervous.

"Am I gonna have to take my clothes off again?" Arabella suddenly asks.

"I don't know, honey." Jessica chuckles.

"I don't like doctors looking at my boobies!"

Danny laughs and looks down.
"I love you, Bella."

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