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"Mr. and Mrs. Huston?"

"Yes?!" Jessica quickly walked over to the doctor.

"How is he?  Can I see him?"

"He's doing well.  They're taking him into recovery right now.  He'll be a bit out of it for a little while."

"But everything went okay?" Danny asks.

"Yes sir."

"Thank God." Jessica touches her chest. 

Danny tried wrapping his arm around Jessica but she pushed him away.

"You can come on back whenever you're ready."

"Thank you so much." Jessica walks over to grab her purse and Danny tries talking to her.

"He's okay.. I knew he would be.  He's a tough little guy."

Jessica completely ignored him and went to the back.


"Hey baby.. momma's here!" Jessica spoke in a soft voice.

"Mommy?" Jackson's voice was low and his eyes were have shut.

"Yes baby, I'm here.  I'm so proud of you, handsome.  Momma bought you a lot of stuff from the gift shop!"

"Thanks." He smiles softly.

Jessica smiles and kisses his cheek.

"You get some rest buddy."

"Can we go home?"

"We'll have to see what the doctor says, baby.  You'll probably be here for another night or two."

"Oh.. Do I have to stay by myself?"

"No of course not!  I'm staying with you, baby."

"Okay.. I'm gonna go to sleep.. Don't leave." He says reaching out for her hand.

"I promise I won't, honey." 

Jessica sat their holding his hand and just watched him sleep peacefully.


A little over twenty four hours in the hospital and Jackson was able to go home.  

Jessica focused on taking care of Jackson and Danny took care of the other kids.  Arabella was the only one that had a problem with that arrangement 

"Daddy I no want you!  I want my mommy!" Arabella pouts and crosses her arms.

"Mommy is helping Jackson right now.  She'll be down soon but I need you two get dressed so you can eat.. Please."

"No I wait."


"I say NO!"

Danny sighs and just leaves her alone.

"Sof, is all your homework finished?"

"Yes.  I just need you or mommy to sign this."

"Okay, one second."

"There my mommy!" Arabella runs to her mother.

"Hi baby!  Have you eaten?"

"No dada no got good food."

Jessica laughs and picks her up.

Things were still tense between Jessica and Danny.

Jessica has been sleeping in Jackson's room and is only talking to him when she absolutely has to.

"Jess, tonight's my friend's party.. you said we could go."

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