Your other family

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"I love you, Mr. Huston." Jessica says in a sweet voice as she softy traces circles on his back.

"I love you too.."

Danny laid his head on her chest and held back his tears with everything he had.

Jessica massaged her fingers through his hair and they stayed there for a while like they were in a comfortable position.

Danny kisses Jessica's chest and mumbles, "Let's go home, baby."

"Okay.. Danny.."


"Thank you." Jessica smiles softly.

"For what, baby?"

"For making me happy. I love you so much."

Danny had a huge lump in his throat. He paused for a moment before nodding his head.

"I love you more.. Thank you.. For making me happy." His voice began to shake.

Jessica smiles big and wraps her arms around him tightly.

Danny closed his eyes and held her in his arms.

Inside he was falling apart. He knew not telling her was just going to make it worse. But he couldn't get himself to do it. Danny loved his life and he didn't want it to change.


The next morning.

"I still mad at you mommy!"

"Why, Bella Boo?"

"Cuz you no take me to eat!" Arabella puckers her lips, narrows her brows and crosses her arms.

"I'm so sorry, precious!" Jessica cups her chubby cheeks and gives her a kiss.

Arabella smiles instantly and wraps her arms around her mother's neck.

"Momma, can daddy help me with my homework today?"

"Yeah baby, I don't think he's got anything planned. He's in the shower right now but when he comes down you can ask him."

"Okay!" Jackson says with a smile.

Jessica giggles at his cuteness.
"Sof, what about you? Do you have any homework?"

"I finished it all at grandma's yesterday."

"Oh wow! Good job, honey!"

"Thanks! It was a bit distracting having the three little babies there, but I did it!"

"Cause you're awesome!"

"Yeah!" Sofia giggles.

"Mama, Joe smells like poop!" Joshua says holding his nose.

Jessica sniffs, "He does not!
Wait a minute.. That's YOU!"

"Oh!" Joshua giggles.

"Yeah dat me!"

"You smelly boy!" Jessica laughs.

"Change my yucky, mommy!" Joshua bangs his fist on the table.

"I am baby, hold your horses!"

"I gots no horses, I gots poop!" He says holding his little hands up.

"Okay!" Jessica laughs.


The day went on and Danny was quiet and to himself, but Jessica didn't really think much of it. She was busy with the kids.

"Okay.. Do it now Danny, Do it now!
.. I can't. How will I tell her? This will break her heart. How do we tell the kids?"

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