Just like Mommy

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The next morning.

Danny and Dorothy's phone conversation.

"They're running tests on her right now. I don't know what's going on. When we first arrived they said the seizure was caused by her low blood sugar, but now I don't know. I don't think they know anything." Danny's voice was deep and groggy.

"Poor baby.. How is she?"

"She's scared. She thinks she's gonna die."

"Oh bless her!"

"I just can't believe Jessica doesn't know. She's on the other side of this hospital and she doesn't even know her daughter is here. She's here and we don't know what's wrong with her. Jessica would want to be the one by her side."

Dorothy could tell Danny was crying. "Have you heard from her doctors?"

"No I was gonna call and check on her, I've just been so busy with Bella. I need her here with me. I can't do this by myself, Dorothy."


"No!" Arabella cries. "No shots!"

"Honey, they have to take blood so they know what's wrong."

"I don't want it! Daddy pleeeease!"

"Bella it's okay. Hold my hand. It'll only be a small pinch for a second."

"Daddy please! I wanna go home!"

"Bella Boo, please. Come on, remember you're brave. Just like mommy."

Arabella slowly started to calm down.

"Remember? You and mommy have battle scars! You're just like her. This is nothing!"

"Okay.. I'll be brave." Arabella said in a low voice.

Danny smiles and kisses her forehead. He then takes her hand and they poke her arm.

"Ow." She looks to Danny and makes a face.

"It's okay!" Danny smiles. "You're so brave!"

"I am so brave." Arabella's voice shakes as she holds back her tears.

"Yes you are!"


A few hours later.

"Yes, this is Danny Huston. I'm calling to check on my wife, Jessica Huston."

"Yes sir, just one moment, please."

Danny sits on hold for a few minutes.

"Hello Mr. Huston, this is Dr. Findley."

"Hello Dr. Findley. How's Jessica?"

"She's doing better. We're planning on weaning off the ventilator some time today."


"Yes sir. We're going to see if she's able to breathe on her own. If she is that's a huge step forward."

"Oh my goodness, thank you! That's wonderful news!"

"Jessica is still very sick, but she's pushing through."

Danny shook his head in disbelief. Tears were rolling down his face. "Thank you. Doctor, please tell her I love her. Tell her.." Danny turns to Arabella's hospital room.

"Tell her we miss her. Tell her the kids are all doing well but need her to come home."

"I will, sir."

"Thank you."

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