Here we are again

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"911, what is your emergency?"

"My daughter! She isn't breathing.. My-my wife went to check on her, and..."

"We're sending someone right away, sir."

"Please hurry! She, she's a preemie, so she's very small and fragile. Please hurry!"

Jessica was doing everything she could in the meantime.
Danny called his mom, and she came right over.

When the ambulance came, Danny and Jessica both went along with her.

Danny held Jessica as they worked on her.
They both sobbed and prayed harder than they've ever prayed before.

I feel like we were just in this situation.
Fearing for my child's life is not something I should get used to.
Please heal her tiny body from this. I wouldn't be able to live without her.
I feel like it's my fault. I wasn't able to carry her and now she'll always have problems.


When they arrive at the hospital they take her back and Danny and Jessica are left in the waiting area.

"Danny, I can't take this, I need to be back there!" Jessica sobs.
"They're gonna make sure she's okay.. She's gonna be fine!"
"What if she's not? Danny, I was holding her lifeless little body... I.. I just can't do it, I can't!"
"Jessie, you need to calm down for the boys."
"I CAN'T!" She screams.
"Danny, our daughter could die!"
"I know that, Jessica, but I need you to calm down! I can't take what happened the last time."
"Oh and who's fault was that?! Huh? If it wasn't for you, I would've had a normal pregnancy and none of this would be happening to us right now!" She pushed him to the wall, and hits his chest with her fist.
"... I'm sorry..." He says in a low and shaky voice.

"Ugh!" Jessica grabs her hair in fists, and walks down the hall.
Danny lays his head back on the wall, and cries hard.

We can't do this. We cannot survive this. God, please don't break us.
I will do anything!
I know I say that all the time, because.. Well I've asked a lot of you lately, but please hear me when I beg you... Please don't take my baby girl.

Jessica walks back and says, "Danny, they've been in there too long."
Danny opens his mouth to talk, when the doctor walks out.

"Mr. and Mrs. Lange."
"Is she okay?!" Jessica asks in a panic.
Both of their hearts race, then they hear him say, "She's okay."
"Oh my God! Really?" Tears poured down her face.
"She's okay?" Danny asks.

They weren't expecting to hear those words come out of his mouth.
"Can we see her?"
"Yes. She's on oxygen right now, and will need to stay the night here, but she'll be okay."
"Oh thank you so much!"

They walk into the room and see her once again hooked up to machines.
"Oh poor baby!
... What happened? What caused this?"
"Well it's what happens to a lot of babies. She was going through Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, or SIDS."
"She was dying?"
"Yes, but you caught it. You are extremely lucky that you got out of bed when you did. Two more minutes and it would've been too late."
"Oh my God."
"Could this happen again?  How much can this little girl take?"
"No, it is highly unlikely for it to happen again."
"But it could?"
"Yes, but it is a very very slim chance."
Jessica closed her eyes and sighed.
Danny wraps his arm around her and tells the doctor, "Thank you so much for everything."
"You're welcome.  I'll give you three some time."
"Thank you."

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