My Jessie

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Jessica and Danny decided on a facility and he would soon be moving in from the hospital.

"Jessica, Coltan's grandparents will be back in town in a few days, he can stay with my mom until then."

"Danny, will you stop worrying about it? I've talked to the kids and Coltan made it very clear that he wanted to stay with his brothers and sisters. I don't want to leave him alone. Besides, what's one more?"

"I know you can handle it, it's not that, it's just that I know he is not your responsibility.  He's mine and I don't expect you to take care of him."

"Daniel, it's done and over with. Drop it."

Danny sighs. "Thank you, Jess. You're an incredible person."

".. Yes I am." Jessica chuckles.

Danny smiles and grabs her hand and brings it to his lips.

"Once you are settled into your room, I'm gonna take the kids to see you!"

"Oh good, I miss them all so much!"

"They miss you too."

"Jess, where is Cole gonna sleep?"

"He can sleep with the boys. Why do you keep going back to that?"

"Because Jess, six kids is a lot and I feel terrible."

"I'm fine, Daniel.. I'm the supreme." Jessica says with a smile.

"Hah! Yes you are.. Babydoll."

Jessica leans in a gives him a soft kiss.  Hearing him call her that again made her happy.


"This is nice, Daniel! You have a nice bed, and a tv.. what more could you ask for?"

"I wanna go home!" Danny pouts.

"I know you do, honey. I'm sorry."

Lately due to his medication, Danny has been very emotional.

Jessica saw tears form in his eyes so she walked over and knelt down in from oh him.
"Hey, what's wrong? This is the beginning of your recovery. This is good!"

"I just want to be with you and the kids. Jess, I feel like that's never gonna happen. We come close to being together, then this happens. I just want things to be normal."

"So do I, baby.. just work hard, and we'll all be home in no time." Jessica smiles as she rubs her hand up and down on his thigh then softly pecks his cheek.


That night Jessica took all the kids home and started on dinner.

"Mommy, Josh is hitting me and spitting on me!" Joseph tells his mother.

"Joshua Daniel Huston!"

"He pulled my hair!"


"Ahh! Coltan bit me!" Arabella shouts from the next room.

"MOM! Jackson keeps looking at me!" Sofia says.

Jessica closes her eyes and takes a deep breath.

"Everybody keep to themselves! Don't look at each other, don't breath on each other, no spitting, no bitting, no pulling hair, Just Don't Go Near Each Other."

"I'm hungry, Momma!" Arabella shouts walking into the kitchen.

"I'm working on it, Arabella."

"I'm Hungry! I'm Hungry! I'm Hungry!" She says stomping her tiny feet on the ground.

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