My only wish

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Two weeks later.
October 9th.

For the past month and a half the kids have had to live without their mother. It's hard on every single one not having her there to talk about their days.
To give advice, to love and to cuddle with at night.

Sofia has completely shut everyone out, Jackson hasn't been the same. His fun and happy personality has completely vanished. The twins are the more cheerful ones, but ask for her daily.
Arabella and Coltan have taken this all extremely hard.

It takes multiple people to give Arabella her insulin.
Jessica was the only one who could do it without making her upset. Now it is a daily struggle.


Danny came home after a long day at the hospital.
Still no progress had been made, and Danny was falling deeper and deeper into depression.

"Hi daddy.. how's mommy?"

"Hi, Sof.. the same."

Sofia sighed and walked out of the room.
The rest of the kids were already in bed.

Zoe has been with the kids all day.  She even had dinner ready for Danny when he came home.

"Hi, sweetie.  Your plate is on the table."

"Thanks, but I'm not hungry."

"You have to eat something.. you've lost too much weight, honey."

"I don't care."

Zoe sighs and softly caresses his beard with her thumb.

"You want me to help you shave this?" She asks.

Danny turns his head away from her.
"Stop, mom."

Zoe takes a deep breath and asks, "Still no progress?"

"No. They're giving me two weeks."

"Two weeks?"

"Yeah. In two weeks.. if she doesn't wake up.. they're gonna.. they're gonna take her off life support."

"Oh gosh.. oh honey, I'm so sorry!"

"She's my angel, mom. How am I going to live without my wife?"

Zoe couldn't hold her tears back any longer.
She held her son's hand and said, "She'll never leave you, baby. No matter what, she'll always be in your heart."

Danny looked at her and spoke in the most hurtful voice. "But not in my arms."

Zoe bowed her head as tears fell down her cheeks.

"I need to go to bed.. I'm going to see her in the morning."

"Will you be home for Jackson's piano recital?"

"I don't know."

"Sweetie, he needs you there."

"I don't want to leave her. What if she wakes up and I'm not there?"


"He'll be okay with you, dad, and his other grandparents."

"He needs his father there. He's been working so hard, and he needs you there!"

"I'll see. I can't go without her."

"Danny.. your kids need you too!"

"I understand but I need to spend as much time with Jessica as I can. Just please leave me alone." Danny says trying his best to stay calm.

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