I hate myself for loving you

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Jessica went up to check on Sofia while Danny stayed down with the kids.


"Momma, I don't want to talk about it anymore,"

"Honey it's okay.. Daddy and I are fine.  Sometimes adults just.." Jessica sighs.

"Mevermind.. Hey you know what we can do?  We can start packing for New York!"

"That's a long time away from now.."

"But we have SO much to pack!"

"Why isn't daddy going to New York?"

"Well just like I have to work, so does he.  Aunt Sarah will come with us, it'll be fun.  She's not staying but she's gonna be there for a little while because she's working up there too!"

"I just want to be happy."

Tears suddenly form in Jessica's eyes.

"I know.  We will be happy, baby."


A few days later Jessica went over to Sarah's

"I haven't seen or heard from you!  How's Jackson doing?"

"Great!  But my marriage is over."


Jessica looks down and begins to cry.

"Jessica, what's wrong?"

"I haven't said anything to anyone about this..

Danny recently found out that.. That he has another son.  That girl.. She.. She had his baby, Sarah!" Jessica says as a sob escapes her lips.

"Oh my gosh!  Jessica.."

"I am so hurt, Sarah.  He went to see them twice.  Once before I even knew about it."

"That's crazy!  That's why you said yes to the play."

"Yeah.. I just need to be away from him.  I don't have the energy to try to make things right.  Again!

I just don't know how much I'm going to go through with this man before I decide enough is enough... Is it even worth the fight anymore?"



"Jessica, I won't let you go!  I love you!  I love you so so much and I love our kids!  I screwed up like always, I know that!"

"No Danny, this wasn't like always.  I don't think I'll ever get you to understand my frustration in you going behind my back and seeing this woman."

"Jessica I know it was wrong, please.. Just don't go."

"It's too late, Daniel.  And please don't follow me.  I just want to be away from you for a while."

"What's gonna happen to us, Jess?"

"I don't know.. But I can't worry about that right now."

"What do you mean you can't worry about that?  We're married!"

"Heh!  Exactly, Danny!" Jessica laughed sarcastically.



The kids are now out of school so they are leaving as soon as possible.

"Daddy why you not coming?" Arabella asks.

"I am!  I uh.."

Jessica turns to him and Danny finishes, "I'm gonna come visit you guys.. Be good for momma, okay?" Danny spoke with tears in his eyes.

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