My Angel

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"Jessica Huston." The nurse calls her back.
"Sarah, will you come back with me please?"
"Sure, Jess."

"Alright, what seems to be the problem, Jessica?"
"Well I just wanted to make sure my baby was okay. I just need to hear their heartbeat."
"Okay.  Have you had any signs of a miscarriage, that you're wanting to check?"
"No.. I just wasn't sick and... Well, I just need to hear them to ease my mind."
"Okay!  That's not a problem.  Just go ahead and lie back."

The nurse puts the doppler on her stomach to check for a heartbeat.
Jessica's heart races as she thinks,
Lord, please let my baby be okay.  I can't stand to lose this much so fast.  Please God!  I would die!

The nurse can't find a heartbeat, so she moves the doppler lower on her stomach.
Finally they hear a small but strong heartbeat.
"Oh thank God!" Jessica puts her hand on her chest and let's out a breath that she didn't realise she was holding in.
"I told you!" Sarah smiles.
"Yeah... Oh, I just love that little sound!" She tears up.
"Have you had an ultrasound yet?" The nurse asks.
"No, I haven't."
"If you have time we can do one right now."
"Oh yes! Please!"

Once the nurse started the scan Jessica and Sarah looked up at the screen and saw a bunch of wavy black lines.
"Whoa! What is all of this?! That's inside of you?!" Sarah's eyes widen.
Jessica laughs and says, "The baby's.. Uhm... Well I don't know where the baby is.."
The nurse chuckles and says, "This little grape sized thing.. *Points* That's your baby." She smiles.
"Aw! Hi buddy!" Jessica says.
"Awe, it's so cute! Jessica!" Sarah hits her arm.
"Thanks, Sar! Oh my gosh, I can't believe I'm pregnant again! This Is so weird!"
Jessica's smile quickly fades when all of reality comes back to her.

This poor baby... I can't do this alone!  How am I supposed to be a single mom?  How am I going to keep things as normal as possible for these kids?  Oh God, I just want my life back...


After her appointment Sarah took her back to get her car and Jessica went to pick the kids up. 
She hadn't spoken with Danny at all, but he called and texted her all day.
"Mommy, is daddy at home?" Sofia asks.
"I don't know Sof, he might still be at work."
"Aw man!"

When they got home Danny's car wasn't in the drive way, so she felt a little relived.

Jessica cooked dinner and they all sat around the table and ate.
"So uh.. I went to the doctor today."
"You did?!  Sofia smiles.
"Yeah... I got a picture of the baby.. You wanna see?"

Jessica shows them the picture of the ultrasound and both kids look confused.
"Um mom, what is that?"
Jessica laughs and says, "Sof, that's the baby!"
"Mommy that's not a baby!" Jackson laughs.
"Yes it is!  The baby is about the size of a grape right now."
"A grape?!" Sofia's eyes widen.
"Yeah! Isn't that weird?"
"Yeah! The baby's that small?!"
"Yep!" She giggles.
"When will it come out?" Jackson asks.
"Oh not for a long time! I'm only nine weeks pregnant and I have to get to forty weeks!"
"Oh... Mommy.. How did the baby get in your tummy?"
Jessica laughs and says, "Oh Jackson! That's a discussion we'll have a few years from now!"

"You two can play while I wash the dishes, but as soon as I'm done it's bath time for both of you, okay?"

As Jessica washes the dishes she hears the front door and Sofia and Jackson yelling, "Daddy!"

"What the hell is he doing here?"
Jessica dries her hands and walks to the living room.
"Mommy daddy's home!"
"What are you doing here, Danny?"
"Well do you expect me not to come and check on my family when I get absolutely no response to any messages at all?"
Jessica sighs and says, "Kids go to the play room."
"But I thought you wanted us to bathe."
"Well you can play for a little while. Just don't fight!"

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