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June 30th.

It was an early Saturday morning in New York and Jessica had the day off to spend with her family.
This morning she got up bright and early to make Coltan's favorite. He was turning five years old today, and it was extra special because it's his first birthday legally being Jessica's son.


Danny walked into the kitchen in boxers and major bed head. He yawned and rubbed his eye as he asked, "What are you doin up so early? I wanted to cuddle but you weren't there."

"Well I'm glad I wasn't. You look like you need a shower, honey."

"Thanks." Danny says sarcastically.
"What are you doing?"

"Well in case you've forgotten, it's your son's birthday today."

"Ha-ha, very funny. Of course I didn't forget."

"It's his first after adopting him, and as his Mommy, I want to make him feel extra special.
..Especially since his momma died so close to his birthday. Have you noticed how down he's been? He scenes something, Danny."

"I've noticed.. poor thing. I just don't know what to do. Am I supposed to talk about her so he won't forget? I didn't know her that well.. plus I don't want him only remembering the accident."

"I know.. I don't really know what to tell you.." Jessica sighs. "But what I do know is that my baby boy is going to love these chocolate chip pancakes!" Jessica smiles and continues cooking.

Danny smiles softly as he walks over and kisses the top of her head.

"You're a good momma, Lange."

"Thanks.. Smelly."

"Alright, Alright! I'm getting in the shower. No need to bully me."

Jessica laughs as Danny walks away.


After taking a quick shower Danny and Jessica woke the kids. They saved Coltan for last so they could surprise him with balloons and party blowers.

Jessica crawled into his bed and softly caressed his warm cheek.

"Baby boy.. it's mommy! Wake up, darling.."


"Happy Birthday!" Everyone shouted.

"Thanks guys!" Coltan smiles.

"I'm five, guys!"

"You're such a big boy now, huh?" Jessica smiles.

"Yeah! I'm a whole hand now!" Coltan holds his five fingers up.

"That is so crazy!"


"Let's go downstairs and eat some breakfast. I made you chocolate chip pancakes!"

"Yummy! Thanks, mommy!"

"You're welcome, sweet boy." Jessica kisses his cheek.


Later that day after taking Coltan to the park, they came back home and the kids played around the house.

"Look at this mess they're making." Danny chuckles.

"I know, but they're having fun so it's okay."

Danny smiled and reached over to hold her hand.
"You're incredible, do you know that?"

Jessica smiles and leans over to kiss his lips. "Thanks, mister."

They were soon interrupted by Danny's cell phone.

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