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Nine months old.

"Arabella, mommy got on the floor, you have to make it worth the struggle.  Now crawl!"
Danny chuckles and says, "Look at that face!  She's like, I'll crawl when I'm ready, woman!"
"Right?!  Bella Boo, come on, sweetie!  You've almost got it!  Do it like mommy!" Jessica says before starting to crawl.
Danny laughs and says, "Jess, you look like a deformed camel!"
"Shut up!" She laughs and rubs her stomach.
"Woo!  Okay, enough exercise for mommy." Jessica stops by the couch and leans back with her hand on the bottom of her stomach, as she takes a deep breath.
Arabella looks at her like she's about to take off, then rolls onto her back and stretches out."
Jessica and Danny both laugh.
"Well you said like mommy, so she's relaxing like you!" Danny chuckles.
"Hah!  But look at her!  She's so cute!"
"Yes she is!" Danny smiles as Arabella looks up at the ceiling and stretches

Danny and Jessica start talking, when Arabella suddenly rolls over to her stomach, and slowly crawls to Jessica.
Her eyes shoot open and she sits up.
"Oh my gosh!  Look!  Danny, Look, She's doing it!"
"Oh my gosh!  Go Arabella, good girl!" He smiles.
"Oh Bella, I am so proud of you!  Keep going!  Come to mama!" She smiles and holds her arms out.
Arabella baby talks and smiles as she crawls towards Jessica.
"Can you believe how well our little girl's doing, Jessie?"
"Yes!  Of course she's doing well, she's mommy and daddy's little fighter!  Isn't that right, Bella Boo?!"

Once she get to Jessica, she picks her up and says, "Yay!  You did it!  That was such a long way for such a little girl, wasn't it?  But you did so good, princess!" She kisses her cheek.
Jessica sits the baby on her lap and says, "I can't believe you're nine months old already!  You're such a big big girl!"
Arabella scrunches her nose and smiles up at Jessica.
"Oh aren't you just too cute!"
She lets out the cutest little baby laugh and hits her hands on Jessica's stomach.
"Hah!  You just think I'm a big pillow that squirts out milk, don't you?!" She says in a cute voice.
"Your baby brothers are in there, did you know that?  You're gonna be a big sister!  Oh my God, she's gonna be a big sister." Jessica looks blankly into space.
"Look at how little she is, Danny!" Jessica looks up at him while he sits on the other couch.
Danny chuckles and says, "Don't worry about it, it's all okay, baby!"
"It just hits me all of a sudden, sometimes." She chuckles.
"Ow.." She touches the side of her stomach.
"You okay?"
"Yeah, just a little cramp.  It's coming to that point of my pregnancy, where I'll having contractions all the time.. Plus they're both just wiggle worms, and they're kicking mommy's ribs!  Yes they are!" She says in a baby voice as Arabella looks at her.
"You think momma's crazy, don't you?" Jessica laughs.
"Look at her face, Jessica!" Danny laughs with her.
"I know, she's quite puzzled, isn't she?
  Arabella, what are you staring at baby girl?"
She just looks at Jessica so Jessica laughs even more.
"Bella, why are you so serious?  *Laughs*  Oh Danny, come get her, I have to pee!"
"Come here, princess!" Danny takes her from Jessica and kisses her cheek, then lifts her in the air.
"Daniel, help me up!" Jessica yells.
"Oh!  Sorry, baby." Danny grabs her arm and in a strain, he says, "Oh God!  Pretty soon, I'm gonna need a crane to get you up."
"That's so rude!" Jessica's jaw drops.
"I'm just messing with you, honey."
"Yeah well fuck you!"
Danny chuckles and watches her waddle to the bathroom.

Look at that walk.  She's too cute!

"Feel better?" He asks when she comes back to the living room.
"Yes.  But I'm mad at you now."
"Aw baby, don't be mad!  I was just joking with you!" Danny puts his hand on her hip, and kisses her cheek.
"Get off of me." She moves her head to the side.
"I'm sorry!" He laughs, as Jessica just looks at him.

"Mommy!  Mommy!  I'm all ready!  Can we go now?!" Sofia runs down the stairs.
"Yeah baby, let me just feed Bella and we can head out."
"She's not coming with us?"
"No, I wanna have a Sofia and mommy day!" Jessica smiles.
"Okay!  What are we gonna do?!"
"Well I'm gonna take you to breakfast, then we'll go shopping, and get our nails done!  Then go to lunch!"
"Yay!  That sounds fun!  Do you think after lunch we can pick the baby up?"
"I don't know, Sof.  I try to keep her inside as much as I can."
"Oh.. Okay." Sofia looks upset, but doesn't bug about it.
"But maybe we can pick her up before we go to lunch, so she can eat with us."
"Yes!  Thank you, mommy!"
"You're welcome, baby." Jessica smiles.
Sofia hugs her and lays her head on her stomach.
*Giggles* "Good morning to you too, boys!" Sofia says as they kick her.
"Are they kicking you?" Jessica laughs.
"Yeah!  They're rough, mommy!"
"Oh I know!"

Jackson comes to the living room and runs to Jessica.
"Hi mommy!"
"Hey, Jax!  How's my big boy?" She gets down to his level.
"Good!  Today daddy's gonna play games with me!"
"Oh is he?  And are you gonna help him with the baby?"
"I can't, I'm just a little boy!"
She chuckles and says, "Oh okay!  Well I think daddy's got it under control anyway.  You just have fun today, and be a good boy, okay?"
"Okay, mommy." He says before taking off.
"Hey come back here!"
Jackson turns to look at her and she holds her arms out.
"You forgot to give me my hug!"
"Sorry, mommy!" He says running back to her.
"Oh it's okay, my boy!" She hugs him tight and kisses his cheek.
"I love you!"
"I love you too, mommy." He smiles, laying his head on her shoulder.


Jessica and Sofia sat back in the massage chairs while getting pedicures.
"Mommy, how long till the boys get here?"
"Around two months, but possibly sooner.  Why?"
"Because we still haven't named them yet!"
"I know!  Daddy and I have talked about it, but we still haven't found any that feel right."
"Well I have some!" She smiles.
"You do?  Let's here em!"
"Well I like Caleb and Conner, Landon and Logan, Bryce and Brayden, or Joshua and Joseph."
"Hmm.. I really like those names!  Especially Joshua and Joseph." Jessica smiles.
"Thanks!" Sofia smiles proudly.
"Keep those names in mind and we'll talk to daddy when we go pick Arabella up."


"Danny, Sof and I were just talking at the nail place and she had brought up naming the boys, she has a lot of ideas, but two of the names she thought of were Joshua and Joseph.  Aren't they cute?"
"Yeah, I really like them.. It's simple and not too matchy.  Good job, Sof!" He smiles at her.
Sofia beams with excitement and Jessica giggles.
"So what do you think?"
"I love them!  I think those are the ones."
"Me too." Jessica's smile grows.
"Wait, did I just name the babies?!" Sofia's eyes light up.
"I think you did!" Jessica giggles.
"Yay!  I named the babies!"
Sofia runs over to Jessica and hugs her around her waist.
"I love you Joseph and Joshua!" She kisses her stomach.
"Awe!" Jessica gets teary eyed seeing her rest her head on her belly.


If you guess liked Wild Oats, but needed more Maddie and Chip, go check out my story called, "Cariñito" :)

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