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"Thank you for cooking this delicious meal, mom!"

"You're welcome, honey! I'm glad you liked it."

"I loved it! And thank you all for helping with the kids.  It gets a little crazy over here." Jessica chuckles. 

"It's not a problem, Jess.  We love helping with these kiddos!" Jane says lifting Joseph in the air.

He giggles and Jane gets a whiff of something foul.

"Oh no, you need a new nappy, don't you?"

He laughs and Jessica says, "I can change him, Jane."

"Don't worry about it!  You go rest."

"I don't know how to do that these days!" Jessica laughs.

At this time Sofia walks in asking for help with her homework.

"What is this?  Math?  Ask Ann!" George says.

Ann chuckles and says, "Come here, honey!  I'm the smartest out of all four of us." She smiles.

Sofia looks at Jessica and laughs.

"I'd defend myself, but sadly it's true."

"It's okay, mommy!  You're the most talented and most beautiful one anyway!"

"Thanks, Princess!" Jessica smiles.

"Well now I don't want to help you!" Ann says.

"I'm sorry!  You're beautiful too, Auntie Annie!" Sofia giggles.

"Just talentless."

"No!  I just-"

"I'm just messing with you, kid!" Ann laughs.



"Alright Sof, time to brush your teeth and go to bed."

"Awe man!"

"Sorry!  I'll be up to tuck you in, okay?"

"Okay, momma." Sofia smiles.

"George, could you please take Jax up to his room?  That boy is getting so heavy!"


"Thank you."

"No problem." George picks Jackson up and takes him to his room.

Jane was holding Arabella up on her feet and attempting to get her to walk.

"She's getting stronger, Jess!"

"I know. *Smiles* I'm so proud of her!  We've been working on walking, but she's just not quite there yet.  I guess we should just work on standing for more than two seconds before we try walking, huh?"

"Yeah, probably." Jane chuckles.

"Arabella, you are the most adorable little one year old I have ever met!"

The baby smiles and eats her hands while Jane holds her waist.

Jessica watches her while holding both twins who were sound asleep.

"Bella Boo, are you ready for bed?"


"I don't think she is, mom." Ann says.

"Arabella, you need to get to sleep. Mommy will give you a warm baba so you can go night nights."

Arabella drops to her knees and crawls to Jessica, then pulls herself up using the couch.

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