Give me a chance

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Jessica got changed then left with Sam to grab a couple drinks.

"So you love me, huh?" Jessica asks taking a sip of her whine.

"More than I've ever loved anyone in my entire life."

"Heh well.. that's a lot of love." She says with a smirk.

"Give me a chance, Jess. You know I'll treat you right. You know I'd never hurt you.. again!"

Jessica chuckles and rolls her eyes.

"I have a shit load of kids, Sam."

"I know that! I'll love them too, it's okay!"

"I don't know, Sam.. I'm not even divorced yet.. this is really soon to just jump into another relationship."

"We've already been together.. come on, Jess.." Sam scoots closer to her and places his hand on her waist.

He softly kisses her neck and ear as he mumbles, "I can make you feel so good, baby."

Jessica's face turned red when people passing by started staring at them.

"Sam, get off of me!" Jessica pushes him away.


"People are starting, Samuel!"

Sam sighs and scoots away from her.

"I'm sorry!  Sam, I love you.  You know I do.. I just.. right now I don't know what I want and-"

Sam takes Jessica's hand and looks deep into her eyes.

"Jessica, I love you.  I know it's soon but I want to be with you.. There's been so many years wasted and I don't want to waist anymore.  Please, Jess."

Jessica didn't say a word.  She scooted closer to him and softly caressed his cheek.

"Let me show you how much you mean to me, Jess."

Jessica looked into his eyes and leaned in to kiss him slowly but passionately.

The truth is, Jessica doesn't know what she wants or who she wants.  She's going through a hard time right now and what she needs is to find herself.  But that doesn't mean she can't have a little fun while doing so.

Jessica slowly pulls away.
"Sam, I can't commit to you right now.. I have to focus on myself and on my children.. But-"

"Ooh there's a but!" Sam smiles making Jessica laugh.

"BUT I'm not saying no to a little night out here and there.. We just have to take it slow."

"So no sex tonight?"

"Sam!" Jessica hits his shoulder.

"I'm just playing!" He laughs.

"If going slow is what you want, then that's what we'll do.."

"Thank you, Sam."

Sam smiles softly and kisses her forehead.

"I'm tired, can you take me home now?"


Sam tossed some money on the table and he and Jessica left the restaurant.

They sat in the car in complete silence.

"So uh.. taking things slow.. Does that mean no making out in the car?"

Jessica laughs, "What are we in high school?"

Sam jokingly rolls his yes, "Alright, let me take this old woman home!"

"Oh shut up!" Jessica says as she quickly climbs over and straddles him before crashing her lips into his, catching him by surprise.

"Ohh!  I-I like your version of slow, young lady!" He says as Jessica kisses and sucks on his neck.


The next day when Jessica got to the theater she went straight to her dressing room.
She heard a knock on the door and told them to come in.

"Hey Michael!" Jessica smiles at her costar.

"Morning!  These were out in the hall.. They have your name on them." Michael hands her the flowers.

"Oh!  Thank you, sweetie!  Hm, I wonder who they're from.."

"I uh, I wasn't trying to be nosey but uhm.. there's a name on the card."

"Thanks." Jessica chuckles.

Jessica sits down to read the card and Michael let's himself out.

"Congratulations on a successful show.  You amaze me and you always have.  I knew one day you'd make it so big.
I know you're sick of apologies and especially from me, so I won't say it.  Even though you know I am.  I love you more than anything and no matter what, I hope you know that.  I hope you know I never wanted to hurt you and I never ever wanted to lose you.  You'll always be my Babydoll, Jess.
         Love ALWAYS, Danny."

Jessica was in tears reading Danny's letter.  She was so confused and torn.  Here she has Danny who she's been with since high school, she has five children with him and despite the many times he's made her mad, her love for him always weighed out the bad. 
  Then she has Sam who she's known since she first came to Hollywood.  He has always been a great friend to her and now they both share this deep connection.  It was different than her connection with Danny.  Her and Sam had a deep sexual connection yet she could talk for hours to him about anything.
With Danny, lately their sexual connection has been lacking, but there's still something there.  All of this back and forth was beginning to drive Jessica crazy.  Should she just drop the both of them and stick to what she planed?  To work on herself and figure out what Jessica truly wants?  Or should she give herself fully to Sam and see where life takes them?

Jessica sighs and lays her forehead down on her makeup table in front of her.
"I'm going fucking nuts!"

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