Our old life

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"How long are they gonna take? This is crazy!" Danny says as he paces back and forth.

"I know.. I hate this. I just want to see her.."

Danny turned to Jessica and saw how upset she was. He sat beside her and softly placed his hand on her back.
"She's gonna be okay.."

Jessica slowly nods as she looks down.
"This is all so fucked up.. I just want to be happy.... we were so happy, Danny."

"I know.." Danny suddenly felt very awkward.

Just as Jessica opened her mouth to speak, Arabella's heart surgeon stepped out.
Danny and Jessica both let out a small gasp before walking over to him.

"How did it go?  Is she okay?!" Jessica asks.

"She's in recovery.  She did very well."

"Thank God.  So where do we go from here?  Is she in any danger or.."

"No ma'am.  She will be in a bit of pain, but for now getting lots and lots of rest is all she needs.  You two are welcomed to go in and see her.  Just make sure she doesn't get too excited.  I know she's a hyper one." He smiles.

Jessica chuckles and nods her head.

"Thank you so much, doctor."

"You're very welcome." He says with a soft friendly smile.

Jessica looks at Danny and they both smile.
Danny wraps his arms around her and she holds him tight.  It felt so familiar and normal to her.
Jessica laid on his chest and felt his heart beating.  It was nice.

Danny kissed the top of her head and rubbed her back.
"Our girl is strong."

"Yes she is." Jessica spoke in a tearfully muffled voice.

"Let's go see the little booger." Danny pats her back before pulling away from her.

Jessica smiles and wipes her tears. "Let's go see the little Princess."


"Oh Bella.. Danny, she looks so small in the it ole bed!"

"She does."

Jessica and Danny sat on each side of her and just stared at her sleeping peacefully.

"I feel so bad.  She's gonna hate her little scar once she sees it."

"At least she's okay.  She can get over a little scar." Danny chuckles.

"That's true.."

Jessica softly caresses her cheek and kisses her forehead.

Some time passes and Arabella begins to wake up.


"Bella Boo!  hi, sweetheart!" Jessica spoke in a soft calming voice.

"Mommy, I'm scared." Arabella starts to softly cry.

"No baby, don't be scared!  It's over.  The surgery is over!"

"I did it?" She asks in a sweet voice.

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