Real life

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"I'm gonna go tell them that they're here, you wanna stay with mama, Sof?"

"Mhm." Sofia nods just smiling at the boys.

"Okay.  I'll be back, baby." Danny rubs Jessica's shoulder.

"Okay." She looks up at him and smiles.

Danny bends down and kisses her softly.

"You're beautiful, Babydoll."

"Thanks." She chuckles.


It was late, so both kids were out.

"There here!" Danny smiles.

"Awe!  I bet they're so cute!  What do they look like?!   How's Jessie?  When were they born?!" Dorothy runs over and hugs him.

"They're very cute!  Chubby little things! *Chuckles* Jess is doing great!  The birth was hard, because she almost tore, but her doctors great and really helped her get through it.  Oh and they were born right after midnight, so Jackson still has his own day!"

"Yay!  Oh my baby girl!  She just had two babies" Dorothy giggles as she tears up and covers her mouth.

"I know.. She's so amazing!"

"Awe.. Danny, she's lucky to have you." Dorothy rubs his back.

"I'm the lucky one..

God, she did so good!" Danny rubs his hands through his hair.

"She was in labor since yesterday morning and.. I-I just don't know how she did it."

"She's incredible, my baby girl." Albert smiles.

"Yes she is! So, can we see her and the babies?!" Danny's mother asks.

"Yeah, you guys go back and I'll stay with the kids."

"No, you guys go back and I'll stay with them.  I'll go in next.  You all go and have your time." Sarah says.

"You sure?" Danny asks.

"Of course!  Congratulations, Danny." Sarah hugs him.

"Thanks Sarah." He smiles.


"Knock knock! Can we come in?" Dorothy whispers loudly.

"Yes!" Jessica smiles.

"Grandma! Grandma!  Grandpa! Come in! I'm a big sister again!" Sofia jumps up.

"I know! I'm so excited for you!" Zoey hugs her.

Albert walks straight to Jessica and kisses her cheek.

"You're beautiful." He smiles.

"Thanks, dad." Jessica smiles back.

"Oh look at the little guys!" Dorothy touches her chest.

Jessica smiles and turns herself so that Dorothy can take one of the babies.

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