Dirty little secret

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Two months later.

Danny woke up and Jessica was once again not beside him in bed.

Danny got out of bed and walked into the bathroom where Jessica was.

"You're sick again?"


Danny got on his knees and held her hair back for her.

"Danny go, you're gonna get sick."

"If I haven't gotten it by now then I'm fine."

Once Jessica is finished she walks over to the shower and turns the water on.

"I hate being sick!" She pouts.

"Awe baby, I'm sorry." Danny wraps his arms around her and kisses the top of her head.

"I guess I should go to the doctor. I don't know what's wrong with me. My boobs hurt, I'm throwing up.. I feel pregnant!"

"That's impossible!" Danny laughs.

"I know that! That's why I have to go to the doctor!"

"Well what could it be? Hopefully nothing too serious."

"I know. I'll call and make an appointment later."


Jessica's new doctor was able to see her later that day. Danny watches the kids and Jessica went alone.

"Hello Mrs. Huston. How are you feeling today?"

"Not well at all. I've been sick the past couple weeks mostly in the morning, I can't keep anything down, I've had terrible migraines! And no I am not pregnant!"

"Okay, well if you're sure I'd like to do an ultrasound to take a look at your ovaries to make sure they look okay. Then we'll see where we go from there."


"Go ahead and lie back and lift your shirt please."

Jessica does what she is asked and the doctor puts the Doppler on her stomach.

"No.. Everything looks fine."

Jessica's doctor wasn't sold on Jessica saying she knows she isn't pregnant, so he quickly scanned over her uterus.

"Uhm Mrs. Huston."

"What is that?"

"That's your baby." He chuckles.

"My baby? That's impossible."

"It's very much possible because there it is."

"But doctor I had a hysterectomy after I had my twins. It's not possible!"

"Jessica, there's no way you did."

"I did! Get my doctor on the phone right now because I had surgery! I was dying and there was no choice!"

"Well I'll see if we can get in contact with your regular doctor and see if we can clear this up. In the meantime calm down. No matter what, I do know that you're a hundred percent pregnant."

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