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At the end of the day Jessica came home.  Danny had a crazy day with the kids but still managed to cook a delicious dinner.

"Mommy's home!" Joshua runs to Jessica and hugs her leg.

"Mommy's home!" Jessica imitates his voice as all of the kids run to her.

"Hi my babies!  Were you good today?"

"Not Bella!" Joseph says.

"Hey I be good!"

"No!  She broke the lamp, mama!"

"No say that!  No say that!" Arabella panicked.

"Oh Bella!  What happened?"

"I-I.. Mama, I miss you so so much." Arabella looks down and softly traces her little fingers on Jessica's hand.

Jessica chuckles. "I missed you too, Bella Boo.. Are you gonna pay for it?"

"I gots no money, mommy." Arabella holds her hands up.

"Heh!  Well I guess I'll pay for it This time.  You didn't get hurt, did you?"

"No, I got no boo boo's." She says showing her her arms.

"Well that's all that matters!  As long as you didn't get hurt."

"Yeah.. Mama, dada make some noodles and sauce."


"Yeah and I play with my new brother friend!"

Jessica chuckles, "That's nice, baby."

"Mhm!  Now go eat!"

"Alright." Jessica smiles and kisses her cheek.

Jessica walked into the kitchen and Danny was getting her food ready.

"How was your day?"

"Good!  Yours?"

"Crazy!  But fun." He smiles.

"That's good.. Thanks for dinner."

"No problem!  I'm gonna start on baths, you enjoy your food."



Two days later.

Danny was out running errands with Coltan and Jackson while Jessica was home with Sarah and the kids.

"Sar, can I talk to you?"

"Yeah, what's up?"

"I feel like I could have made the wrong decision."

"With Danny?"

"Yeah.. I mean, I love Danny but what kind of example am I setting for my daughters. No matter how great he may sometimes be, he did hurt me at one point... Sarah, I don't know what to do."

"I don't know what to tell you, Jess. I'm sorry."

Jessica looked down and started to cry.
"In my mind he only cheated once and I forgave him.. He made me mad by going behind my back to see Coltan, but once I thought about it, it wasn't so bad and I made excuses for him.. It's his son and he wanted to get to know him. It wasn't like he cheated on me again. I know that's dumb but that's how I felt. He's never hit me.. He gave me these beautiful children.. he helped me stay strong when Arabella was in the hospital.. He fucking threw me a surprise wedding! He did certain little things that I can't help but love him for.. but when I sit back and think of what I'm doing.. I feel so stupid."

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