First Date

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The next day Jessica goes over to her parents house.

"Hi my baby! How are you feeling? You look thin, you need to eat!" Her mother holds her palms on her cheeks.
"I'm fine, mom!" She laughs.

"My girl! My kids! Come in and let your mother make you something to eat."
"I have some news for you guys." She smiles.
"What is it, baby?" Dorothy asks.
"It's a girl!"
"What?! Oh my Goodness, really?!" Dorothy yells.
"Mhm!" She giggles.
"No way, another girl! That's amazing, sugar." Albert says.
"Thank you. I' so excited to have another little girl. Sofia's outgrown bows and tutus, so I get to do it all over again."
"I can't wait! Oh honey, I am so proud of you!" Her mother hugs her.
"Thank you!"
"Where's Danny?"
"Well.. That's the other thing I needed to talk to you two about."
"Is something wrong?"
Jessica pauses and tells Sofia, "Sof, why don't you take your little brother to the playroom?"
"Okay, mom!"

"Sweetie, is everything okay?"
"Well.. Not really. It hasn't been okay for a while. I'm not gonna go into any details, but.. Well, we're not living together anymore. I moved in with Sarah and I've been there for a while. I just found a house, and the kids and I are moving in as soon as possible."
"What happened?"
"A lot of stuff... But, we're working on it. It's gonna take time, but we need this time apart."
"Oh my gosh, why didn't you tell us?" Albert asks.
"I didn't want to worry you two.. this is my problem, and the least amount of people who know about it, the better."
"Sweetie, we're your parents. You can tell us anything!"
"I know, mom... I just.. I don't know.. I shouldn't have lied, but-"
"No, don't." Dorothy stands up and hugs her, pulling her into her chest.


A couple weeks pass and Jessica had been depressed.  She was depressed that she was alone, she felt like a failure for her marriage being this way.  She knew it wasn't her fault, but she often questioned herself, What did she do wrong?  Could she have done something to prevent it?  Was she not a good wife?  What went so wrong that this had to happen?

She was also very upset about her time ending on American Horror story.
She knew it was the right decision, and even though she had been talking about it for a while, it was still extremely hard on her.

Jessica stayed at her parents house over the holiday's, and Danny took the kids to his family's house without Jessica.
He, like Jessica kept the reason they were separated from them.


January 1st.

Danny dropped the kids off at the house and told them to go play while he talked to Jessica.

"Hey.." He says awkwardly.
"What's up?"
"Well.. I've been thinking.. And well.. I think it's time... Jessica.. Would you like to have dinner tonight?"
The teeny tiniest smile appears on her face and she takes a small pause, "... Sure."
"Yes!  Thank you, thank you.  Thank You!"
"What time?" She laughs. 
"I'll pick you up at seven!  Oh my gosh, I can't wait!  I-I'll see you later!" He smiles.
"Alright." Jessica chuckles.
He looked just like that nervous boy in high school asking her out on their first date.


Jessica wore a casual dress, sandals and very little makeup.

"You kids behave for aunt Sarah, okay."
"Yes ma'am." They both answer.
Jessica walks downstairs when she hears the doorbell.

"Hi." She smiles when she opens it.
"Hi." He smiles back.
"You looks beautiful."
"Thanks you." She says shyly.
"You ready?"

Danny took her to one of her favorite restaurants in New Orleans.

As they wait for their food, Danny says, "So how are you?"
"I'm okay, how are you?"
".. Better... It's tough, but I know what's waiting for me will be worth everything."
Jessica smiles and he says, "So, when do you move into your new house?"
"Well I was supposed to be in already, but there's still a lot to do.  So hopefully sometime in the next two weeks."
"Oh, okay.  Call me and I'll help you move.  I don't want you moving anything at all.  You've got a bun in that oven and you just need to focus on baking."
She chuckles and says, "Yeah.. Well thanks.."
"Sure.  So how is our little muffin?"
"Good.  She's been moving a lot more." She smiles.
"That's good!  I can't believe how tiny you are.  Are you eating right?"
"Yeah, she's just little." She smiles.
"Well as long as you're eating okay, then that's good."


After dinner Danny drove around and Jessica said, "Danny."
"I'm really craving a milkshake." She smiles at him.
"Well whatever mommy wants, mommy shall have." He smiles.

It was true, she was craving a milkshake, but really she just didn't want the night to end.
It had been a while since they had been out on a date, and it felt right.
Something old and familiar about the whole thing, just comforted her.

They bring the milkshakes to the table and Danny says, "We went out for milkshakes the night we went out on our first date.  Do you remember?"
"I do." She smiles.
"I remember what else we did that night, too.." He smirks.
Jessica bit her straw and giggled.
"I remember that too!"
"How could you forget that?  It was beautiful."
"Mhm.. It's always great in the backseat of a car."
"Behind a gas station!" Danny laughs.
Jessica laughs and says, "We were so stupid!"
"We were a little crazy.  But that was an amazing night."
"It sure was..." She says in a low voice as she lowers her eyes as if she's thinking back about it.

"Mm, that was good!" Jessica stretches back in her seat and rubs her hands up and down on her tiny belly.
"Did she enjoy it?"
"Oh yeah!  She's moving all over the place!" She smiles.
Danny puts his hand on her stomach and smiles at the feeling of his baby girl move around.
"I felt her!" His eyes light up.
"You did?!"
"Yeah!  Wow.. That's the first time I actually felt her."
Jessica looks at Danny and sees his eyes water.
"You okay?"
Jessica, I am so so sorry for everything I've done to you."
"I know you are, Danny."
"I promise you, I'm gonna make it right.  I'm gonna show you that you can trust me with all your heart.  We'll live together again, one day, baby.. And when that day comes, I won't ever let you slip away from me... Ever ever again.
I will never do anything to hurt you, or cause you pain in any way... Because I love you, Jessica Phyllis Lange."
"I love you too." She smiles and grabs his hand that was just on her belly in hers.
Danny smiles and kisses the back of her hand.


"Well this is my stop." Jessica chuckles when he stops in front of Sarah's house.
Danny laughs and gets out to open her door.
"Thank you!" She takes his hand and steps out.
"You're welcome!  Thank you for a lovely evening, Ms. Lange."
"You're welcome.  Thank You Mr. Huston."
Danny smiles at her and Jessica giggles before she leans in and rests her hand on his chest as she gives him a soft kiss on the lips.
"Goodnight!" She giggles as Danny stood there in shock with wide eyes.


A few days later...

Danny's POV...

"No!  You're lying!  You.. You can't!  God damnit!
You listen to me!  Don't you dare ever call me Ever again!  Do you understand?! 
I am finally making things right and nothing and NO ONE will get in the way of that.
What we had was the biggest regret I will ever have in my entire life, and something I wish I could take back.
I don't want you to call me about this again.  You're on your own, Trish."

Danny hangs up and throws his phone at the wall.

"Oh my God... Oh my God.  Danny what did you do?!  How could you hurt your wife like this? 
How could you hurt your kids like this?
I even treated her badly even before I cheated on her with that stupid slut! 
Oh God.. I know I don't deserve her.. I know that!  But I just want to make things right.
I want my kids and my wife back.. I want my family.
How... HOW am I supposed to face her?
God damn you, Daniel Huston!"

Danny screams and punches the wall.

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