You're crazy!

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"Ah my home! My real home with all my clothes and shoes and my little dollies! It's so good to be back!"

Jessica chuckles.
"Okay my little drama momma! We've been back for a week now and just dropped your brother and sister off at school, we didn't leave the country!"

"You so silly!" Arabella giggles.

"You're so silly!"

"No YOU so silly!"


"Uh huh!"

"Yes you is!"

"Hah, okay I AM!"

"See! I tolded you!"

"Yes you did tolded me." Jessica chuckles.

After having their lunch Jessica put all three kids down for a nap.  As soon as she sat down for a breather the doorbell rang.  Jessica let out a groan and stood up to answer it.

"Sarah!" Jessica smiled and tried giving her a hug. Sarah had just gotten back into town that morning.

Sarah put her hand up stoping Jessica from hugging her.

"Heyyy! That's mean!"

"Are you fucking nuts?!"


"You and Sam kissing and holding hands in the park!"

"How do you know about that?"

"Get online once in a while, Jess!"

Sarah lets herself in and Jessica follows her.

"You literally called me every night saying how much you love Danny, and how you don't know how you're going to live without him! All bullshit, Jess!"

"No it's not, it's how I feel!"

"Then why are you fucking Sam? Have you officially lost your mind?! You don't do that if you're in love with another man!"

"Sarah, just get out!"

"No Jessica! You need to hear this! You're crazy!  You're actually insane! You being with Sam is no better than what Danny did! You've actually cheated more than Danny did now!"

"Fuck you, Sarah!"

"No not me too, you're already fucking too many people!"

"Oh my God, Sarah! Danny and I are not even together so I'm not cheating!"

"Jessica, this isn't right. Not only is it totally unfair to Sam who actually loves you, but this isn't healthy for you! You just got out of a relationship that you've been in since high school! You have kids with him, you can't just go out fuck whoever you want, you big slut!"

"Get out!"

"No! I'm your friend and I'm just trying to talk some sense into you!"

"Sarah, you're not helping anything Just Leave!"

"Let me ask you something, Jess.. Do you love Sam?"

"Of course I do!"

"The same way you love me, your friend? Or the same way you love Danny?"

Jessica rolls her eyes and looks away.

"Do you love him the way you love Danny?"



Jessica closes her eyes and takes a deep breath before breaking down in tears.

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