Are we rich?

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Things in the Huston house have been going very well.  Danny is back to his normal self, and things between him and Jessica have never been greater.

Today Jessica is talking to Danny about something very important. She sat down beside him during the kids' nap time, she wrapped her arms around him and kissed his neck over and over again.

"What do you want?" Danny chuckles.

"What makes you think I want something?"

"Well I know you're not telling me you're pregnant. What else could it be?"

"Just that I love you!"

"Aw babe, I love you too."

Jessica giggles.
"Well maybe there's one little thing.." She says playing softly with his collar.

"Spill it."

"So my agent called."


"I've been offered a part in a movie.  It's a small-ish part."

"Nice, baby!" Danny smiles and pats her hip.

"I would have to go to New York for a couple months."

"Awesome!  When do we leave?"

"Really?" She smiles.

"It's okay?"

"Of course!  Why wouldn't it be?"

"Well we have the kids.. we have a lot of kids! And I'm worried about taking Coltan out of a place he feels comfortable, AND I'm worried about Arabella's asthma up north.  What if it effects her?"

"First; I think a little trip would be good for not only Cole but the entire family as well.  Second; I think Bella's asthma might not be bad there.  Down south we have so much humidity, it makes her worse.
So.. When do we leave?"

Jessica chuckles.

"Perfect!  It's gonna be fun."



"Momma, I have my bags all packed!" Coltan says.

"You do? But dad and I already have your things ready to go."

"Not everything! You forgot about my trucks!"

"Sweet boy, you can bring a couple, but we can't bring your whole collection, okay?"

"Why not?"

"Because we can't take too much in the plane"

"Oh.. Momma?"

"Yeah, babe?"

"I'm scared of the airplane!"

"Why, bud?"

"Cause I am!"

"Well mommy, daddy and your brothers and sisters will be with you the whole time."


"It'll be okay! You're Mommy's brave boy! Aren't you, cutie?" Jessica smiles and kisses his cheek.

"Yeah, I am! I'm So brave and So Strong!" He says showing his mother his muscles.

"Ooh my strong baby!"

"Yeah, I'm gonna sit by you to protect you, okay?"

"Okay, baby." Jessica chuckles.

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