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"Jessica.. I am so sorry."
"No.. You're not sorry.  Why are you here?"
"I have to talk to you and Danny.  I did something... Something awful, and I-I feel so responsible for what's happened."
"What do you mean?"
"Can I please just come in and talk to you and Danny together?"
"No.  My kids are here, and you're not stepping foot in my house."
"... I understand, I'm sorry."
"I told Danny that what you two did is not this baby's fault.  He should be there FOR THAT BABY... But not you.  My husband understands how much of an idiot he was, and I've decided to give him another chance.  You will speak about that child and nothing else.  Do you understand?"
"Yes, but I really need to talk to you two... Please let me in.."

At this time Danny was walking downstairs.
"Jess did you- oh.. Who's here?"
Jessica looks at him with her lips in a knot, then looks back at Trisha as Danny walks over.
"What are you doing here?!"
"Danny, please don't be mad!  I told you I needed to talk to Jessica, and you didn't let me.  Well I'm doing it on my own.  This is gonna be hard, but I can't live with this anymore."
"Live with what?" Jessica asks.
Trisha takes a deep breath and says, "... I'm not pregnant."
"What?" Danny asks surprised.
"I just told you I was because I wanted you.  Danny, I need you!  I thought that maybe if I told you, you'd  come back and maybe I could get pregnant right away and you wouldn't notice anything.  Or tell you I lost the baby and you'd feel bad for me and stay."
"You're sick, Trish."
"I know!... But then when you told me what happened with Jessica and the baby.. I couldn't help but feel one hundred percent responsible for everything."

Jessica stayed quiet, but her anger inside grew.
"How could you do this to me?  To my wife?  My family..."
"I.. I don't know."
Jessica is fuming, but remains quiet.
"Jessica.. I am so so sorry.  I didn't mean to hurt you or your baby."
"Bullshit." Her eyes were bulging and her jaw was clenched.
"Jessica, I really am sorry."
"My baby is in the hospital for God knows how long, hooked up to machines, being poked with needles multiple times a day, not being able to be comforted by her mother when she cries at night.  The poor thing just started breathing on her own.  Just now able to cry.  My baby could die!  And because of what?!  Because you can't let a married man go. You're a dirty, cheap, money hungry slut and I will think of you dead from now on."
"I really am sorry."
"I don't give a fuck, bitch!"
"I'll leave.. I won't bother either one of you again.. I just need to tell you, Danny.. I love you.  I love you so much, I understand if you won't come back to me."
"Come back?  Bitch!" Jessica scoffs.
Trisha ignores her and continues, "I understand if you hate me.. I hate myself.  But what we had was special.  I can't take thinking I'll never see you again."
"Bitch, you're just begging to get hit, aren't you?" Jessica's eyes widen.
"Can I just have one more kiss?"
"HAH!" Jessica lets out a hard sarcastic laugh.
"You're disgusting." Danny says sickened by her.
"Please Danny!  One more and I'll be out of your life forever."
"Kiss her, Danny." Jessica looks at him and Danny's eyes widen.
"Are you crazy?!"
"Kiss her."
"What?!  Jessica, NO!"
"Kiss her!" She says more demanding.
Trisha smiles and Danny says, "Jess, I'm not kissing her."
"You are kissing her."
"Jessica, what are you doing?"
"Just kiss her."
Trisha grabs Danny and kisses him.
Danny stays there motionless and pulls his head back.
Trisha breaks the kiss and smiles.
"You happy, bitch?" Jessica grabs her hard by the arm and slaps her across the face.
"If you ever show your face again.  If you come anywhere near me or someone in my family again, I will kick your mother fucking ass.  Do you understand me?"
"DO YOU FUCKING UNDERSTAND ME?!" She raises her voice and pulls her down by the hair.
"Yes!  Yes, I understand!"
Jessica pushes her down the driveway and says, "Get some help, you psychotic bitch!" She lets her go and gives her a punch in the face.
"Ah!" Trisha grabs her cheek.
"Don't fuck with me again or my family."

Jessica walks back to the house and slams the door.
Jessica releases a breath she was holding in and Danny looks at her with wide eyes.
"I know."
"You don't mess with my family."
"Why did you want me to kiss her?"
"So I could see how you reacted to her.  It gave me a reason to beat the shit out of her, and it made me see that you really didn't want to kiss her... Kill two birds with one stone, I figured."
"You are amazing."
"Oh God *Sighs* I just.. I've had it. And she lied, Danny! She fucking lied. Because she did that Arabella might die." She cries.
"She's not gonna die, baby!" Danny hugs her.
Jessica leaves her arms to the side, for a little while, then throws them around him and bawls.
"Shh, shh, shh, it's okay. It's all gonna be okay." He rubs her back.
"I just wish I could believe that, Danny."
"Jessica, look at me." He holds her hands and looks into her eyes.
"Everything is going to be just fine. I'm here. We're together. We will help each other get through this, okay? I'll do everything in my power to make sure my family is safe. I'll protect you, baby."
Jessica nods her head and Danny smiles.
"God, I love you." He hugs her again.
"I love you so so much. You are such an amazing woman."
"... Yeah." Jessica mumbles into his chest as she chuckles.
"You are!" He laughs.
Danny kisses her head says, "Let me tell the kids that we're gonna skip movie night and we'll take them somewhere tomorrow."
"No, I feel bad... I've been neglecting them, Danny."
"You're not neglecting them, you have to be at the hospital with the baby, and they understand that."
"Maybe Sofia, but Jackson's just a baby, he probably thinks I don't love them anymore!"
"Jessica, I can assure you that neither one of them feel that way.  They know you love them... But you kicked some ass tonight and you need your rest.  That little heart of yours is just pounding."
She lets out a little smile and quietly says, "Okay.."

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