I can't do this

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"You're not happy for me?"

"Danny, we have five kids!  Three of them are under a year old!  How do you expect us to pack everything up and just leave?  We have help here, if we were to move, I'd be by myself!  Did you accept it already?"

Danny looks down and stays silent.

"Daniel!" She yells making all three babies who were already crying, scream even louder.

"I'm sorry I thought you'd be happy!"

Jessica rolls her eyes and sighs.

"Danny, I am proud of you.  I always have been, but the timing is horrible right now!"

"Well what do I do?"

"I don't know, Danny."

"I don't want to go by myself."

"I just wish you would have talked to me first."

"I know.  I'm sorry.  Can we at least talk about us moving?"

"When do we have to be over there?"

"We start April fifth."

"Okay Danny. Sofia is still in school, Jackson is still in school. Did any of that ever enter your mind?"

"I guess not."

"You guess not?  Wow, okay. *Scoffs* You're not twenty years old anymore!  You have a family now and you need to think about your kids and stop being so inconsiderate."

"Inconsiderate?!  Jessica, I'm doing this for them!"

Jessica ignores him and picks up Joseph and sticks him in her body wrap, then grabs Joshua and Arabella.

"Let me help you!" Danny takes Arabella and she screams.

"Why are you crying?" Danny bounces her.

"Mmmaaa!!" She sobs reaching towards Jessica.

"Here, take him and give me her." Jessica hands him Joshua.

"We can get a nanny, Jess.  You'll have help."

"I don't want a nanny.  We are just now getting into a schedule and the kids are used to our moms.  Now you want to completely throw everyone off and move all the way out to Los Angeles!  How does that make any sense at all?"

"Oh my God, Jessica!"

"What?!" She gives him a hard look.

"I can't believe that you're being this way.  When you wanted to do American Horror Story, I went to LA with you.  I watched the kids all day while you were working.  Sofia was three and Jackson was eight months old.  I never once said a thing because I loved and supported you."

"Oh god, Danny..

We had two kids then and I asked you before I made that decision!  I didn't sign the papers without speaking to you!  We talked about it for months before I did any of that!  When I started working is when our relationship took a turn.  I probably shouldn't have done it, but I did.. Those four years were miserable for me, because that is when you changed!"

"Is that what you think is gonna happen?  That we'll go out to LA and our marriage will suffer?"

"No!  ..Maybe!  But the main reason is because it's stupid.. Idiotic to move from New Orleans to to Los Angeles with a nine year old and six year old who are still in school, a one year old who's doctors are all in New Orleans, and two four month olds.  How am I supposed to be with five kids all by myself?!  What if Arabella gets sick again?  Those doctors don't know her!  She's not used to them!"

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