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The first night with five kids was as expected; not easy.

Arabella was being extremely clingy and the boys wouldn't fall asleep.

"Why are they still crying?" Jessica says crying along with Joseph as she rocks him.

"I don't know!  One of our moms should have stayed tonight."

"Well I guess, but they've been watching the kids so much, I felt bad!  Plus Thanksgiving is in a couple days, and all our family is coming down.. I thought they needed to rest, but I didn't think about myself and my want my mommy!" Jessica sobs.

"I do too!" He whines.

"Maaaa!  Maaaaa!" Arabella cries.

"Baby, I'm right here, Princess!" Jessica pats her back with her free hand.

Jackson walks into their room and Danny says, "Jax, what are you doing up?  It's four in the morning."

"They're too loud!"

"I'm sorry, why don't you go to your sister's room?  It's further down the hall, maybe you can't hear as much."

"No, you can." Sofia says walking into their room.

"Oh kids, I'm so sorry you can't sleep!" Jessica says.

"It's okay.  Mommy, try not to have anymore babies any times soon." Sofia says.

"Don't worry, I won't." She says with a tearful smile.


6:00 am.

"There is not a second where one of the three of them is not crying!" Jessica says.

"I know.  Try feeding Joshua again." Danny says handing him to her.

"I've tried, he's not hungry! I think he hates my boobs!"

"He doesn't hate them. Here, just try." Danny guides Jessica's nipple into his mouth and he pulls away and cries.

Jessica whines then throws her head back and cries.

"I wanna go to sleeeeep!!"

Jessica nurses Arabella while Danny walks with the twins downstairs.

"Bella, I'm so sorry.. I'm trying to give all three of you enough attention. It's just so hard.

I love you." Jessica speaks softly to her.

After she ate, she fell right to sleep.

Jessica laid beside her with her hand on her stomach.

She was finally out.

At 7:00 Danny finally came up with the two boys sleeping peacefully.

*Gasp* "You did it!" Jessica smiles.

"Shh! Don't speak! Don't even breathe!"

She chuckles and watches him lay the boys down in the bassinet.

Danny lays down and quietly whines, making her laugh.

"This is only the first night!" He looks at her with an exhausted face.

"I know.."

"I'm sleepy."

"Go night night, baby." She smiles softly with sleepy eyes.

"Hm! Goodnight, Jess!" He reaches for her hand and kisses it.

"Night, Danny." She yawns.


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