Fly My Beautiful Angel

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October 23rd.

Danny smiled as he looked down to one of his most favorite pictures of Jessica.  Her beautiful smile, her gorgeous hair.
The way she carried herself made him crazy.
She's perfect.

Danny then looked at the time and put her picture back in his wallet.

"Come on! Are you guys ready?! Jesus Christ, let's go!"

"Daddy, we coming, calm down!" Arabella says pulling up her little leggings.

"I'm afraid they'll unplug her without us.." Danny says fiddling with her hands.

"Daddy, they won't. They'll wait for us.." Sofia says gently rubbing her father's back.

Danny stops for a moment and takes a deep breath.

"It's gonna be okay." She says.

"I don't see how, Sof. I know I'm the one that should be comforting you but.. I can't. I cant find the strength.."

Sofia looks at her father with tears in her eyes before she hugs him.

Danny cries into the hug just as Coltan walks in from the backyard.  Zoe and the twins follow him.

"We picked mommy some flowers." He says holding them up to Danny.

"Oh Cole, these are beautiful!" Danny smiles through his tears.

"Ours too, daddy!" Joseph smiles as he and Joshua hold up their flowers.

"I love them! Mommy will too."

"Her will wake up and give us kisses!" Coltan smiles.

Danny sighs and takes Coltan on his lap.

"Colt.. buddy.. Josh and Joe, you guys listen up as well.."

"What, daddy?" Joshua smiles.

"Today.. today we're going to the hospital to say goodbye to mommy."

"Why goodbye?" Joseph asks.

"She's going to Heaven? Like my other mommy?" Coltan looks at Danny with tears in his eyes.

"Yeah buddy, but she will always always always be in your heart! Okay? Don't ever forget that!" Danny says struggling through his words.

"No but daddy, mommy is the best mommy I've ever had in my whole life!  She loves me so much.. she sings with me.. she helps me when I'm sad! She holds me in her arms and all the bad things go away! Please please ask Jesus to let her stay!"

"I have, buddy. For two months I've prayed for a miracle. But sometimes.. no matter what.. God has his plan, and even though sometimes his plan isn't fun at all.. that's just what he's planned.. and mommy will still help us through this."

"I want mommy! I want to go with her! I want Jesus to take me with her! I can't live without my mommy! I can't do this again!" Coltan sobs.

"No, no, no, buddy. Mommy wouldn't want that.
She wants you to grow and be happy."

"I won't be happy without my mommy!  I don't want to be here! Why didn't the car hit me more than mommy? Why does she have to die? She's so sweet! She's on tv and people love her! No one knows me, it should have been me!"

Danny had never heard Coltan speak this way.
He was so worried for him.

"Coltan, stop talking like that! We need you here with us, buddy!"

"I want to be with mommy!" He cries.

Danny felt hopeless. He just rocked Coltan in his arms and cried right along with him.


At the hospital.

All four of the younger kids sat on the bed with their mother. Each one taking a turn to say goodbye.

"Mommy, I love you.. you're the best mommy in the whole world." Joseph says.

"Yeah, momma! Thanks for pushing my out of your tummy. You're awesome!" Joshua says making everyone let out a tearful chuckle.

"Mommy, you the only one that knows how to give me my shots.. oh and you give the best hugs and make the best cookies! I don't want you to leave us.. but I know you'll have fun with Jesus.." Arabella wipes her chubby cheeks.

"Jax.. you wanna say something?" Danny asks.

Jackson nods his head and wipes his cheek.
"Mommy.. my life will never be the same without you. I feel like I'll never be happy again without you here.. momma, if you can hear me.. please know that I love you so so much! Thank you for loving me, caring for me.. and babying me even when dad said not to."

Hearing that broke Danny's heart.
He hated the way he used to treat his family.
Jessica was just being a great mother, and he didn't appreciate her like he should have.

"I know you'll always be in my heart.. I love you forever."

Sofia hugged her little brother before she began.

"Mommy.. I can't even find the right words to say.. I guess all I want to say is thank you. Thank you for being you. Millions of people love you and look up to you, and I think that's so amazing.. you're their role model! And you always will be, I know that for sure. I can't believe I actually get to call you my mom. How lucky am I?" Sofia sniffles and smiles through her tears as she holds her mother's hand.

"Jessica Lange.. The Supreme.. But for me you will always be, Mommy. I love you."

Sofia places a kiss on her cheek and then takes a deep breath.

"That was beautiful, kids." Danny says.

"Babydoll.. my angel.. you are my world, and I don't want to do this without you. You are the most selfless person I know. You took care of me when I was unable to do anything for myself.
You loved me when I didn't deserve to be loved.
You gave me five beautiful children.. and took one in and loved him like your own. You are incredible, lady! You are perfect. You are strong.. and you are beautiful. I can't say enough about you. I love you with all my heart, and I apologize for every bad thing I have ever done." Danny says with tears rolling down his cheeks.

He lowers himself down onto her chest. He grabs her arm and sobs into her.
Sofia rubbed his back to comfort him like she knows her mother would.


"Okay.. it's time.." Danny nods.

All of the kids cuddled around their mother.
Danny held one hand and Dorothy held the other.

The moment they unplugged her Danny spoke.
"It's okay, baby.. go home. I've always called you my angel.. and now you really are. Fly. Fly my beautiful beautiful angel."

Jessica's heart monitor was on and they waited for that horrible sound.
All of the kids were in tears as they clung onto her.

"Baby girl, you're free now!" Dorothy cries softly.

Danny bent down and gave her a kiss.
He then gasped and said, "I felt her! She squeezed my hand! She squeezed my hand!"

"Danny.." Dorothy looks at him in tears.

"She did, Dorothy!"

"Mr. Huston, that happens sometimes. It's just nerves in her body."

"No! Jessica, I know you can hear me! Please please fight! Show them that I'm not crazy and that you're okay!  Don't leave us!"

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