She made it

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The next morning.
October 26th.

Jessica laid flat, her palms sweating and her heart pounding nervously.
Danny could tell Jessica was worried, so her bent down and spoke in a calming voice.

"Angel, don't be afraid." He said gently rubbing his thumb on the back of his wife's hand.
"This is the easy part!  Removing feeding tubes are no big deal!  Just think how after this we'll get you all comfortable, and you can have some yummy food!"

Jessica looks up to Danny with a scared look on her face.
Danny kisses her forehead and smiles. "Do you know how beautiful you are, Mrs. Huston?"

Jessica then cracks the tiniest smile.
"You're strong, and you're okay.  You've given birth to quite a few babies, my dear.  You're tough as nails!  This should be a piece of cake for you!"

Jessica then takes a deep breath and relaxes onto the bed.

"Alright Jessica, ready?"

Jessica gives the doctor a thumbs up and he begins.
It was over in a blink of an eye, and Jessica was left with a shocked expression on her face.

"Feels a little funny, huh?"

"I bet.. are you okay?" Danny asks.

Jessica attempts to answer Yes, but couldn't properly say the word.

Danny ran his hand over the top of her head before pecking her lips.
"I'm so proud of you.  You're amazing."

"T-T.. Taaaa.." Jessica then sighs with frustration.

"You're welcome." Danny smiles.

Jessica smiles softly and puckers her lips for another kiss.
Danny chuckles and of course kisses her once again.


Eating and drinking was difficult for Jessica, but with Danny's encouragement and patience, she was able to get some down.

"You got a little dribble of soup here." Danny gently wipes her chin.
"More?" He asks.

Jessica nods her head and he spoons some soup into her mouth.

"Eh.." Jessica makes a face making Danny laugh.

"Well soon you'll be home and well enough to eat my delicious cooking!"

"Y-Y.. Yaaaa.."

Danny smiles and kisses her cheek.
"You're beautiful."


Getting Jessica back to her old self is going to take a while.  Walking and talking is their goal.
The question is, will it ever happen?

It is now October 30th.  Today is a very special day for the Huston clan.  The children are going to be visiting their mother for the first time since saying their 'goodbyes'.

"You look so beautiful, babydoll!  The kids are going to go nuts when they finally get here!"

Jessica smiled, then spoke to Danny.  He tried his very best to understand what she was telling him.

"What is that, baby?  Are you okay?  Or are you just excited to see your babies?"

Once again Jessica speaks.  It broke Danny's heart to listen to her trying so hard to speak to him.  He had no idea what she was trying to tell him.

Jessica then gave up and sighed.  Her lips turned into a pout, and tears filled her eyes.

"Aw honey!  No, don't cry!  Please don't be sad!" Danny sits beside her and holds her in his arms.
"We're gonna figure this out, okay?  We need to come up with some type of way for you to communicate so I know what's bothering you, or what you need.. or just to talk.."

Jessica looked down at her hands.  They were tensed up, and had been that way since the accident.
She was upset she wasn't even be able to write down what she had to say.

Danny looks down at her hands, then takes them in his own.
"I wish I could take all of this away from you, baby.  I wish I could trade places with you.. but I won't leave your side.
We're going to get through this together."

Jessica sniffles and lays her head on his chest.

"Knock knock!  Mommy, it's US!" They hear Arabella's voice from the hall.

Jessica quickly sits up as tears run down her face.  She was so happy to finally see her babies.

"They're here!  Come in, you guys!" Danny says.

Albert opens the door and the kids run in.

"MOMMY!" They all shouted.

"Be very careful when hugging mommy.  She has a whole bunch of stuff connected to her."

"Please can I hug her?" Coltan cries.

"Of course, just be careful."
Danny then helps the younger kids onto the bed.  All of them at once held onto their mother.

"I can believe I'm hugging you!" Sofia said in tears.

Coltan's cheek was on his mother's chest.  He then looked into her eyes and held her cheeks.
"Mommy, I saw it!  I saw the fire before it went black, I saw the car, and I saw you hurt!  I thought you were going to Heaven!  But you're here!  Mommy, you're here!" Coltan throws himself onto Jessica as he sobs.

Jessica cried and cried uncontrollably as she held her babies in her arms for the first time in what felt like an eternity for her.

"Wow.. look at them." Dorothy said, tears rolling down her cheeks as well.

"They didn't think they would ever see their mother again." Danny says with tears in his eyes.
He then smiles and says, "But she made it.. she's still here."

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