She's Mommy

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Zoe and Danny's phone call.


"Hey.. how are the kids?"

"They're all doing their school work right now. I'm staying close to Coltan cause he's pretty upset."

"I know he's struggling and I feel terrible."

"How are things there?"

"Well I had stepped out of the room to speak with Jessie's doctor and uh.. they gave me great news so-"

"Oh Danny that's wonderful!"

"It is! I'm so proud of her."

"What's wrong? I can hear it in your voice."

"Well while speaking with her doctor Bella had another seizure." Danny sighs.

"Oh no! Daniel, can't they give her something?! They can't just keep letting this happen!"

"Now that they're sure what's going on they're finally starting her on medication."

"So.. It's epilepsy?"


Zoe sighs deeply. "That poor baby just can't catch a break."

Danny rubs his face. "I know. She had open heart surgery at three years old. She has asthma, her legs are bad, she's diabetic.. it's not fair, mom."

"It's not. I'm so sorry, honey."

"I just want Jessie.."

"What exactly did the doctor say?"

"She's breathing on her own and she finally tested negative, and that she only needs oxygen when she's sleeping."

"That's great! Danny, I know this may sound crazy, but I think in some way Jessica can sense something is wrong with one of her babies, and that's why she's starting to come out of everything."

"I feel that too."

"Because there was a time when I didn't think this would happen."

"Me too.. I definitely think she feels something is off. I mean that's her baby. She has to know."


3 days later.

"No more shakes, daddy!" Arabella smiles.

"I know! None today! High five!" Danny lifts his hand.

Arabella gently high fives him.

"Let's finish coloring, baby. You can draw momma a picture and give it to her when you both get home."


The doctors wanted Arabella to do simple tasks to see exactly how much the seizures effected her.

After her fourth one she was a little confused, but it didn't last long. Now they just want to observe her.

"Daddy!" Arabella looks at her father and laughs.

"What Princess?"

"You still got your mask on, silly! Take it off!"

"So you can see my handsome face?"

"No." She chuckles and nods her head.

Danny laughs and takes his mask off.

"Hand me the purple crayon please."

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