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Jessica's alarm went off early the next morning.

"Momma?" Coltan rubs his eyes.

"No sweetie, it's Jessie."

"Silly Jessie!" He chuckles and turns to give her a sleepy smile.

Jessica smiles and messes with his hair.
"You go back to sleep. I'm gonna get in the shower."

"Okay.  We're gonna see daddy today, right?"

"Yep! We can bring him the pictures you and your brothers and sister drew for him."

"Yeah!" Coltan says as his eyes start to fall.

Jessica chuckles.
"Get some more sleep, honey."

After taking a shower and getting dressed Jessica went back to her bed to wake Coltan up.

"Okay now it's time to wake up.. come on, Cole. You want some breakfast?"

Coltan rubs his eyes and holds his arms up.

"You lazy boy!" Jessica laughs and picks him up.

Coltan lays his head on Jessica's shoulder as she walks down the hall to wake the kids up.

"Bella Boo, wake up princess."

"No not yet."

"Heh, yes get up."

"Momma I need you to get out of my room... Now."

"What's up with all this laziness this morning?"


"Mom? Mom?!" Jessica tickles her.

"My name is mommy, you butt!"

Arabella giggles but gets extremely irritated with her mother.

"Momma stop it! Stop it!
I'm gonna tell grandma on you!" She says in a serious tone.

Jessica laughs.
"You silly booty. Come on, so we can get ready to see daddy."

"Oh my gosh I almost forgotted! I need to get dressed so I can se my poor daddy!"

Arabella jumped out of bed and ran to her closet.

"Baby, let's eat some breakfast, then you can get dressed."

"My daddy's waiting, mommy!"

"Your daddy is in therapy, little girl. You have time."

"Fine! I want bacon and eggs with toast." Arabella points her finger at Jessica.

"And don't burn it this time!" She shouts as she leaves the room.

"She's a mess!" Jessica chuckles.


Finally after a bit of a struggle to get all of the kids fed and ready, Jessica loaded them all up and drove to see Danny.

"Oh daddy!  I've missed you so so much" Arabella runs to him.

"Oh princess!  I've missed you too, baby!"

All of the kids got so excited to see their father.

"Daddy, you get out of this chair right now!" Arabella points demanding her father listen to her.

"Bella, remember what mommy told you?" Jessica says calmly as she grabs her hand.

"But it's so sad.. I want my daddy to pick me up high!  So high I almost touch the stars.  You member, daddy?  You say catch, catch, catch the stars!"

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