Let's just see

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Jessica held Coltan in her arms and rocked him gently back and forth.
Danny watched how motherly she was to him and for that he was so thankful.  Jessica didn't have to do this and he has told her many times.  Jessica knew she didn't have to, but she truly did love this little boy.

Danny placed his hand on Jessica's shoulder and rubbed his thumb back and forth.
Jessica turned to him and gave him a small smile.

"Jessie?" Coltan pops his head up and looks at Jessica with sleepy eyes.

"Yes baby?"

"Are you my momma now?"

Jessica looks at Danny then back to Coltan.

"Well baby.. do you want me to be your momma?"

Coltan smiles and nods his head.
"Yeah cause I like you and you're nice to me.  You take care of me like you're my mommy, and sometimes I almost call you mommy cause you're my brothers and sisters mommy."

Jessica chuckles.
"Well baby, I love you like you're my own, so if you'd like to call me momma, then go right ahead."

"Will my other momma be mad?"

Jessica turns to Danny and he takes a short pause as he thinks of what he is about to say.

"Buddy, I think your mother would be happy that you have Jessica to love and care for you. I'm sure she's happy and very grateful to Jessica."

"Okay." Coltan smiles cutely.

Jessica laughs and gets tears in her eyes.

"Why are you sad?"

"I'm not sad, honey.. I just.. Heh!" Jessica looks at Danny then wipes her tears.

"I never thought I'd be so grateful with this type of situation.. but I am. Life is strange sometimes but.. I'm so happy I have you.. WE have you in our lives, Coltan. You complete us."

Coltan smiles and throws himself forward on Jessica.
"I love you, mommy."

"I love you more, baby boy!" Jessica said with tears slowly running down her cheeks.

The love she has for this little boy was something she never expected, and something she had no idea she ever needed.


The next morning at breakfast Coltan called Jessica by her name, but every once in a while he'd throw in mommy. The first time he did, the other kids quickly realized.

"Jessie, my daddy is gonna make me go to school!" Coltan frowns.

"Honey, you need to go to school so you can get super smart!"

"But mommy, I want to stay home with you guys!"

Sofia's eyes slightly widened and she turned to her mother.

All three boys seemed a bit confused and Arabella made a face.

"Cole Cole, that's not your mommy! That's our mommy!" Arabella says.

"She's my mommy too!  I love her so much!  Jessie said I could call her that!"

"Momma, you MY momma!" Arabella pouts.

"Arabella, he can call me mommy. Kids, listen..being a mom doesn't necessarily mean being the one that holds the baby in her belly.. or the one that gives birth to the child.. I didn't give birth to Coltan.. and although the situation is strange.." Jessica says locking eyes with Sofia.

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