Please wake up

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"Honey, I'll be right back.  I'm gonna tell Sarah that you're gonna be okay."  Jessica held his face in her hands and talked to him in a soothing voice.

She took his hand and kissed it before she went out into the waiting room.

Sarah sees her and quickly stands up.

"Hey, how is he?"

"He's okay.  He has a concussion, but there is no permanent brain damage."

"Oh thank God!  How does he look?"

"Not great.  He's all bandaged up right now, his face is swollen and he's covered in bruises.. but at least I have him."

"Yeah, thank God."

Sarah hugs her and Jessica says, "Thank you for staying with me.  I know Danny hasn't always been your favorite person, but it really means a lot to me."

"Oh Jess, that was in the past!  Danny has completely changed into different person, and I really like him."

"Well good!" She giggles.

"Do you want me to take you home, or what's the plan?"

"No, I'm gonna stay with him tonight, I was just coming to thank you for everything, and to tell you that you can go home and get some rest."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine, thanks."

"Well let me at least run by your house and get you some clothes.  You've gotta be uncomfortable."

"I'm okay."

"You're wearing jeans!"

"Well they're unbuttoned.  That's why I'm wearing a long top." She smiles and lifts up her shirt.

Sarah takes a sharp breath in and slides her fingers into the jeans by her belly.

"Jessica, these are too tight!"

"Well thanks!"

"No, I mean to sleep in.  Jesus, those boys are gonna hate you for squeezing them in like that!"

"They're fine!"

"Jessica, I'm going!"

"Okay, thank you."

"Do you need anything else?"

"No, just the clothes will be fine.  I really appreciate it!"

"No problem!"

"I'm gonna go back with Danny, just call or text me when you get here."

"Okay, I will."


Jessica calls her mom to tell her that Sarah is headed over there, and to check on the kids.

"How are they, mom?"

"Jackson is asleep, and I'm trying to get Sofia to sleep, but she's too worried about her daddy.  I think she's gonna sleep with me."

"Aw, poor thing!  Let me talk to her."


Sofia, your mama wants to talk to you."

"Mommy?!" Her face lights up and she gets a huge smile on her face.

"Hi momma!  How's daddy?"

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