Little minions

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"Ah!  Joshy, you've almost got it!  Walk to mama, sweet boy!" Jessica smiles and holds her arms out as Joshua gets ready to take his first steps.

"Come to mommy!" Jessica smiles as Joshua slowly takes a couple steps, then takes four fast steps.

"Oh!  Haha, good boy!" Jessica chuckles as he throws himself onto her.

"You just walked, little guy!  Mommy is so proud of you!" Jessica kisses his forehead.

"Mama!  Mama!" Joseph giggles.

"Oh look who wants attention!  Joseph, did you just say mama?  Oh you little cutie!  You're such a smart boy!" Jessica leans over and kisses him.

He giggles and counties playing on the floor with all of his toys.


"Mom.. Can I ask you something?" Sofia asks as Jessica changes Arabella's diaper.

"Sure, baby."

"Why isn't Arabella doing what the twins are doing?
Like.. Why isn't she walking or talking?"

"Bella is special.. She was a preemie and preemies take a little longer to learn things.  She'll get the hang of it, we just have to be patient."

"I feel bad for her, momma."

"Oh baby, don't feel bad.  She's a happy baby." Jessica smiles at Arabella with tears in her eyes.

"Yeah.. Well I'll help!  I'm gonna get her to talk at least.  Bella Boo, can you say Sof?"

Jessica chuckles and kisses the top of Sofia's head.

"You're a good sister, Sof."

"Thanks, momma."


"Danny, I think Bella's little legs are bothering her." Jessica says in a sad tone.

"How do you know?"

"She's not even crawling, she's almost like dragging her little body using just her arms, or just crying till I pick her up.. Danny, I feel so bad for her." Jessica says as she starts to cry.

"We should take her to the doctor.. She'll be okay."

"I'm so sick of hearing she'll be okay.  I want her to be okay already!  Why does she have to go through this?  Why does she have to be in pain?"

"Sweetie, I'm sorry.  I don't know why she has to go through this.. I am so so sorry."

Jessica looks down and wipes her years before walking back to the living room where the kids were.


A couple days later.

"I know, baby!  Mommy's so sorry" Jessica says as Arabella cries and kicks her legs.

"The doctor is gonna see you soon and make you all better!"

Jessica held Arabella in her arms and tried her best to comfort her. Jessica felt so helpless. Arabella was just screaming in pain and there was nothing Jessica could do.

The doctor prescribed her a stronger medication that will hopefully work for her. After Arabella cries herself to sleep Jessica asked Danny to take her out to the car.

"I'll be there in a second, honey. Just get her buckled in."


"Thank you.."

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