I need help

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Valentine's Day.

Sofia and Jackson both had Valentine parties at school, so Jessica picked out cute outfits for them to wear.  Jessica was already overwhelmed with the babies, and Danny wasn't the most crafty person, so Dorothy helped them with their treats for their class.

That morning, Danny took the kids to school while Jessica got the babies ready for the day.

When Danny got home, he sat on the couch and turned the tv on.

Jessica had no idea he was there, so when she came down with the babies she was not very happy.



"You're home?!"


"Why didn't you come upstairs and help me?!"

"I didn't know you needed help."

"Didn't know I needed help?!  I'm one person with THREE BABIES!  I have to put one of them in the baby sling just to get down the stairs!  Why on earth would you think I didn't need help?"

"... I'm sorry."

Jessica rolls her eyes and puts the babies in their carriers.

"Here, let me help you."

"Oh I just juggled three babies while changing their diapers and dressing them, but putting them in their carriers is just much too difficult!" Jessica says sarcastically.

"Jessica, I said I was sorry!"

She ignores him and continues buckling the babies in.

"I'm ready, let's go." Jessica says grabbing the diaper bag and one of the carriers.

Danny grabs the other two and they walk out to the van.

He puts them both in while Jessica waits beside him with the last one.

As soon as he takes the baby from her, Jessica gets in the van.

He slams the door making one of the babies cry.  Jessica gave him the meanest look because they both knew all too well that when one baby cries, they all cry.

"I'm sorry."

"Just put their binkies in their mouths and they'll be fine.  They're just scared, they'll be fine in a second."

Danny goes to the back and gives them all their binkies.

"It's okay, babies!  There's nothing to be scared of, mommy's right here." Jessica speaks in a soothing voice.

Danny gets back in and closes the door as carefully as he can.


Before going into the school, Danny opens the single and double stroller.

He took Arabella out of the car seat and handed her over to Jessica while he took the boys and their car seats out and into the stroller.

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