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23 weeks pregnant.

Jessica had a doctors appointment, and since it wasn't a special one, she went by herself.

"Hi Jessica, how are you feeling?"
"I feel okay. She's extremely low though, so I have to pee constantly!" She laughs.
"That's never fun! Well let's take a look, go ahead and lie back."

The doctor lifts her shirt up and feels where the baby is positioned.
"Wow, she's very low!"
"Is that bad?"
"Well it can be. It could be a sign of preterm labor, or it could be just that you're carrying low. I want you to take it easy for a while. Don't do anything too strenuous, and just try and relax as much as possible."
"Also, I need you to gain more weight. Right now she's measuring about 19 weeks, and you're 23. Are you eating properly?"
"Yes, I eat all the time!"
"Are you stressed at all?"
"Well yeah, but I've always been stressed."
"Well try not to do that. I know it's hard, but it's very dangerous for you and your baby for you to be stressed right now."
"Okay. Is she gonna be okay?"
"She'll be fine, just relax."


Things between her and Danny were strange.
He would drop the kids off and leave, or if he did stay, he wouldn't make eye contact with her, so Jessica decided to ask him what was wrong.

"Danny, are you okay? You won't even talk to me. You didn't even ask how my doctors appointment went last week.
"Oh Jess, I am so sorry! I've just got a lot on my mind. How'd it go?"
"Well the baby's really small, so I'm just worried. She's measuring at 19 weeks."
"Damn. Have you been eating right?"
"Yes! I told you I have!" She snaps.
"I know, I'm sorry."
"It's fine.. I'm sorry, I'm just stressed, which isn't good because then I could harm her, and I just don't know what to do. I feel helpless!"
"Oh Jess, it's not your fault! Just try and relax. I don't want you moving a finger!"
She gives him a small smile and says, "It's okay, Danny. I'm fine."
"No really! Let me stay with you and help take care of everything!"
"Danny we've been over this. I'm not ready to live with you again. Besides, Sarah wouldn't want you in her house... She hates you, Danny."
"I know.. I don't know why? What did I ever do to her?!"
Jessica just looks at him.
"Oh yeah.. Nevermind." He looks down and Jessica chuckles.

A week later.

Danny was filled with guilt, and he couldn't hold it in any longer.

"Jessica, I need to talk to you.  It's eating me alive and I can't keep it from you longer.  But I want you to know that it doesn't matter to me, okay?  I have worked so hard to gain your trust and I hope this doesn't change anything." He holds her hand and looks into her eyes.
"What is it, Danny?" Jessica started to worry.
"... Trisha's pregnant."
Jessica's heart drops and a look of disappointment comes across her face.
"What?" She says in almost a whisper.
"Jessica, I haven't been with her since you found out, I swear!"
She stays silent as she looks down with tears in her eyes.
"I want nothing to do with her or the baby.  I love you and our kids only!  Please, please, please forgive me!"
Jessica knots her lips and grinds her teeth to keep from crying, as he places his hand on her thigh.
"Don't. Touch. Me."
Danny moves and looks at her with sadness in his eyes.
"I am so so sorry, Jess."
"Get out, Danny."
"Jessica, can we please just talk?"
"I can't talk right now.  I need you to leave."
"Jessica, calm down.  The baby!"
"Oh like you give a shit!"
"Jessica, I do, and you can't say that I don't.  You know I love you and my kids.. All of them!"
"Well then if you care, Leave and don't bother us ever again."
"Jess.." He looks at her with tears in his eyes.
"Please... Just leave.." She sniffles and wipes her nose.

Danny left.  He wanted to stay there and plead to her, but he knew it would just make her more angry, and that was a chance he just wouldn't take.
Not if it could harm her or their baby.

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