Little Rascals

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18 weeks.

"Again?" Danny asks as Jessica gets out of bed to pee.

When she comes back she sits up in the bed and says, "Danny, these babies are already destroying my bladder."
He lays on his side and rubs her stomach.
"Poor baby...
Look at how much you've popped, babe." He smiles.
"I know, these guys are gonna be big!"
"I just said guys, I have no idea what they are." She chuckles.
"Well I thought they were boys at first, but then I changed my mind, But now seeing your belly, I'm thinking boys."
"Cause you're carrying different than with the girls. It could be just because they're twins, but I feel like I can just tell.
What do you think? I'm sure you can feel the difference."
"Well, I'd say boys with the way I've been feeling. With Sofia and Arabella I was so drained!  I slept a lot and I was really sick.  With Jackson, I was great!  I had a lot of energy, I was never sick, totally different than with the girls.  I've been pretty much the same with this pregnancy, so far.  Maybe because I don't have a choice with having a new baby, I don't know.... But we'll know for sure tomorrow!" She smiles.
"Yep!  Get some rest, beautiful." He pats her stomach, then kisses it and says, "Night night, my little rascals."


Half an hour later, the baby wakes up.
Jessica starts to sit up and Danny tells her to stay.
"No, go back to sleep.  I'll get her."
"Thank you."

Danny picked the baby up and walked out to the hallway with her.
"Stop your crying! Stop your crying, pretty girl!" He baby talks.
She keeps crying and he changes positions.
"Oh I know! Let's go get you a bottle. Mommy has some milk for you in the fridge."

Danny holds her and gets her bottle at the same time.
"Look at daddy multitasking!" He chuckles.
Arabella screams her little head off and Danny looks at down at her.
"Uh, cool it, little Jessica."
He puts the bottle in her mouth and she starts drinking like she was starved.
"Well you were hungry, weren't you?"
He sits on the couch with the lights dimmed.
"You are so beautiful, do you know that?"
Arabella looks at him with big eyes and he says, "You do?! Well good! You are beautiful just like your sissy and your mommy!"

After she's finished eating, Danny burps her, and walks back upstairs.
"Go night nights." He kisses her forehead.
She looks at him and smiles.
"Oh such a pretty smile! You don't look one bit tired though!" He chuckles.

He walks into their bedroom and gets in bed with the baby on his chest.
"Shh, we can't wake momma!" He whispers.
Arabella starts cooing, and he quietly chuckles.
"Oh you wanna talk now, do you?"
He pats her back and turns to Jessica.
She was passed out beside him.
"Jessica! The baby wants you!" He whispers jokingly.
He saw Arabella's eyes locked on her, and he smiled.
"You see momma?"
Her little lips quiver and she starts crying again.
"Oh no! What's wrong!" He holds her and pats her back.
Jessica wakes up and Danny gets out of the bed.
"I'm so sorry, I fed her and she was still wide awake. She was calm, but then looked over at you and started crying."
"Awe, come here, Princess!" She reaches over and Danny hands her to Jessica.
She kisses her head and says, "Did you want momma to hold you? Aw, you're such a sweet girl!"

Jessica held her for about five minutes before Arabella fell asleep.
"See? She just needed momma." She smiles at Danny.
"I guess so." He chuckles.


The next morning...

"When we pick you two up from school, we'll know what the babies are!" Jessica smiles at the kids.
"Yay!" Jackson yells.
"That's the spirit, Jax!" Danny lifts his fists.
Jessica laughs and Sofia says, "Mom, please let me stay home!  Please!!!"
"I'm sorry sweetie, but you cannot miss school!"
"Because you can't!"
"But I wanna see the babies."
"Daddy and I are gonna bring you and your brother to the next ultrasound."
"But this one is the important one!"
"Sof, don't make me feel bad!"
"Yeah, Sofia, you need to go to school."
"Daddyyy!" She whines.
He looks at her.
"Can't they miss one day of school?"
"No, Daniel."
"Oh, she Daniel'ed me.. Sof, I think you have to go."
"Ugh! Fine!"
"You got to be there when we found out that Arabella was a girl!" Jessica smiles.
Jessica kisses her head and giggles.
"Daddy and I have a special way we're gonna tell you two, so it's gonna be so much fun!"
"Really?!" She smiles.
"You bet!"
"Yay!" Sofia hugs Jessica.


"Arabella!  This is the first time you and mommy are going out since you've been home, are you excited?"
The baby smiles at Jessica and she bends down to kiss her.
"Oh my goodness, you're so cute!"
"Are you ready to see your baby brother or sisters?  You're gonna be a big sister, Arabellie!  Haha, that's cute!  Hey, we can call you Ellie for short!  Ah!  That's cute!" She laughs.
Anyway, you're gonna be such a good big sister."
Jessica picks her up and says, "We're ready, daddy."
"Alright, come here, baby." He takes her from Jessica and kisses her head.
"You have the diaper bag?"
"Yep!  We're all ready!"
Danny grabs her hand and Jessica looks up and smiles.
"Ready for this?"
".. You bet." Jessica giggles.


"The babies are kicking, Danny!" Jessica looks at him with a big smile on her face, and her hands on her bump.
"Oh are they?!"
"Yeah!  This one I can already tell is going to be our wild child!" She laughs and places her hand on the right side of her stomach.
"Which one is that?"
"Baby A.. I think?"
Danny laughs.
"I don't even know my own baby!"
"Haha!  Well it's okay, once we know the gender, we can forget about this A and B stuff, and actually start thinking about real names."
"Yeah." She looks at him and gives him a small smile.

"Mrs. Huston."

"Here we goooo!" Danny stands up and takes the bag for her.
"Danny, you have the baby, I can take the bag at least."
"I've got it, honey."
"Well thank you!"
"Heh, you're welcome.  All I ask is for you to walk in front of me, for my reward."
"Hah!  No problem, sweetie!"
Jessica walks in front of him and puts a little extra wiggle in her walk, just for Danny.

"Alright, Mrs. Huston, how have you been feeling?"
Very very pregnant!"
The nurse laughs and says, "Well around this time with twins is when most woman notice, Oh wow, they're definitely in there, and it's obvious there are two now!"
"Heh, yeah!"
"So have you felt any kicks?"
"I have." Jessica smiles.
"Great!  Alright, well the doctor will be in in just a few minutes."
"Okay, thank you."

Arabella gets a little fussy, so Jessica says, "Danny, can you give her her binkie?  It's in the side pocket of the diaper bag."
Danny gives it to her and Arabella calms down.
"Oh my gosh, Jess, look how cute she looks with it!"
Jessica laughs and says, "I know, isn't that adorable?  The other two never wanted the binkie, but she loves it, don't you, boo boo?" She baby talks to her.

The doctor walks in.

"Hello, long time no see."
"Hah, right?"
"How are you?  Healing okay?"
"Oh yeah, I healed very quickly after her."
"Well good.  Any morning sickness?"
"Babies kicking?"
"Mhm." She nods with a little smile.
"Good!  Go ahead n' lay back, and lift up your shirt, please."
Jessica does what he says and the doctor feels around her stomach.
"Feels good.  Are you two going to want to know the sex?"
"Alright, let's do it!"

The doctor squirts the gel in Jessica's stomach, then starts the ultrasound.
Danny grabs her hand and they watch the screen as two little babies wiggle all around.
"Oh wow, look at them squirming around mommy's tummy!" Danny smiles.
"Wow!  They look like two little jumping beans!" Jessica giggles.
Danny laughs and the doctor says, "They are very active!  Mom, rest up, because I think you have some sleepless nights ahead of you."
"Oh great!  Heh, there's not much resting with a newborn. But she's good, I think we can find some time, right, Bella Boo?" She talks to the baby.
Arabella smiles and sticks her hands in her face.
"You silly girl!" Jessica giggles.
"She's so cute.
Are you two ready?" The doctor smiles.
"Alright, baby A is..."


Would it really be an Erica story without a cliffhanger? 😏

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