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Two months later.

Jessica was on set filming a scene with Evan and she suddenly felt extremely dizzy.
She grabbed onto him and looked down.
"Jess, are you okay?"
"Yeah... Yeah, I'm fine."
"Are you sure? You don't look so good."
"No, I'm fine.. I-I'm fine..." She says before she throws up.
Evan gasps and looks down with a shocked expression.
"Jessica you're not fine, let me take you to your trailer."
"Oh God sweetie, I am so sorry!" Jessica says with a red and embarrassed face.
"Don't worry about it, honey. Let's go, you need to rest."

Evan walks her back holding her arm, "You want me to call Danny?"
"No it's okay, he has a meeting today. Thank you so much, Evan."
"No problem. Do you need anything?"
"No.. No I'm good, thank you." She smiles.
"Okay, call me if you need anything."
"I will, sweetie, thanks."


Jessica figured out the reason she was sick, so she made a doctors appointment for after she got off work.

"Today's the first day I was sick, but my husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for a couple months... I can just tell.. This isn't my first pregnancy, and I just feel different... I feel pregnant."
"Alright, well we'll do a blood test and give you the results as soon as they come back."
"Okay, thanks." She smiles.

Twenty minutes later.

"Congratulations, you're pregnant!" The doctor walks in.
"Yep!" He smiles.
Jessica's eyes fill with tears and she says, "I'm pregnant!... Hah! I'm gonna have another baby." She smiles.


When she got home the kids were watching a movie upstairs and Danny was making dinner.
"Hey sweetie, you hungry?"
Jessica smells the food and immediately feels sick.
"Uh no, I don't feel well.. Thanks though." She puts her hand on her stomach.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah..." She smiles and walks over and hugs him from behind.
"Someones happy!" He chuckles.
"Mhm.." She nods her head up and down on is back.
"What's up? Good day at work?"
"That's great."
"Yeah, how was your meeting?"
"My meeting? Uh, it was.. I mean it was a meeting so uh.. Not the best. Anyway let's talk more about your day!"
She giggles and says, "You've had so many lately! Why do they keep calling you?"
"Oh I don't know! But let's not talk about that, that's boring stuff. I wanna know about you!" He turns and smiles at her as he grabs her hands.
She giggles and says, "Why don't you take a break from cooking and come sit on the couch for a little while?"
Jessica smiles then takes his hand and leads him to the couch.

He sits down and Jessica sits on top of him.
"You're so cute right now."
She smiles and crinkles her nose.
"You've been so sweet to me these past few months Danny. I don't know what it is that's gotten into you, but I really like it!" She giggles and plays with his hair.
"Well I just want to make you feel just as beautiful as you are." He smiles then puckers his lips for her to kiss him.
She gives him a quick peck on the lips then says, "Danny, I have something to tell you.." She smiles.
"What is it, beautiful?"
"I threw up on Evan." She gives him a small pout.
"Aw, you did?  Are you getting a little tummy bug?"
Jessica smirks and nods her head no.
"What?" He smiles.
"I went to the doctors office after work today." She smiles.
"Aaand?" His smile grows.
"I'm pregnant!" She says with an excited expression.
"You're pregnant?!"
"Are you serious?!"
"Yeah!" She nods and smiles as tears form in her eyes.
"We're having a baby?"
"We're having a baby!!" He yells as he stands and lifts her up.
Jessica laughs then shhh's him.
"Shhh! The kids are gonna hear you!"
"Well let's go tell them!"
"Not yet!"
"Why not?"
"Well, I guess we could."
"Let's do it!"

They go upstairs and turn the movie off that they were watching.
"Why'd you turn it off?" Sofia asks.
"Your mother and I have something we need to tell you two."
"Okay, well... Um.. We're gonna have another baby." Jessica smiles.
"What?! Oh my gosh! Really?!" Her eyes light up.
"Yeah!" Jessica smiles.
"Maybe it'll be a girl!" Sofia gets excited.
"Maybe so!" Jessica laughs.
"Jackson, you're gonna be a big brother!" Danny smiles at him.
Jackson looks at him and Jessica laughs, "Jax, mommy's pregnant!"
"You gonna have a baby?" He looks at her.
"I am!"
"Can I feel?! I wanna feel!" Sofia puts her hand on her stomach.
"You can feel, but it'll be a little while until you'll be able to really feel anything."
"Oh... Well, I'm so excited! Thank you!" Sofia hugs Jessica tight.
"Awe, you're welcome sweetheart!" She rubs her back.


The kids fell asleep and Jessica was laying in bed while Danny showered.
The water turned off and his phone buzzed.
"Babe, you got a text!" Jessica yells out.
"Alright thanks, I'll check it in a sec."
Jessica smiled then grabbed his phone off the bed and read the text.
It was from a girl named Trish.
"Today was amazing! I hope we get to have another "Meeting" soon. ;)"

Jessica's heart started pounding and her entire body got hot.
She started breathing heavier and she suddenly felt numb all over.

"Jessica, I can't believe we're having another baby!" He says from the bathroom.
"Huh? Oh, yeah.. Yeah, neither can I." She says in a low voice.
"What baby?"

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