He's gonna wake up

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The next morning Jessica woke up, and for a second, thought everything was normal. Then she heard hospital machines. She looked up at Danny and sighed.

Jessica grunted as she struggled to get up.

"Oh God.. Oh God, this is painful.." She breathes heavy and grabs her back.

The boys start pounding their little hands and feet into her.

"Ow!  Well good morning to you too, guys!" She looks down and holds the sides of her stomach.

"Can I even say good morning when I don't think you've even been to sleep yet?" She chuckles.

Jessica looks over to Danny and softly caresses his cheek.

"How's my baby this morning?

Are you gonna wake up for me today, daddy?" She smiles at him.

The doctor walks in to check on how he's doing, and Jessica steps outside to call Dorothy.

"Hi honey, how's Danny?"

"The same. How are my babies?"


"Good!  Did Sof fall asleep alright?"

"Yeah, I cuddled her and she went right to sleep."

"Aw, thank you, mom!"

"No problem, sweetheart.  How are you feeling?"

"Well, I slept with Danny and that was extremely uncomfortable!"

"Oh babe, why'd you do that?"

"I wanted to!  I'll be fine."

"Well you need to be carful."

"I'm fine, mom!" She laughs.

"Are you coming home to rest for a little while?"

"I don't know what to do.  I don't wanna leave Danny in case he wakes up.  What if he's scared."

"I think he'll be okay, baby."

"Yeah.. I just feel bad.. And torn."

"What do you mean?"

"I need to be with my kids, but how am I supposed to leave Danny?"

"I know it's tough, sweetie.. How about you ask someone to stay with Danny till you get back?  At least he won't be alone."

"Yeah.. Oh shit!  I forgot to call his mom!  Dammit!"

"Well I know it's not my place, but I already called her."

"Oh thank God!  What'd she say?"

"Well she was extremely worried and shocked.  I'm sure she's going by there today.  That gives you time to come home, take a shower and rest."

"Yeah, I'm gonna call her."

"Alright, baby."

Jessica hears a loud cry in the background and says, "Awe, my baby!"

"I think she misses momma!"

"Aw, stop it!  Tell her I'm coming!"

*Giggles* "I will, sweetie."


Jessica talks to her mother in law while she was on her way to see Danny.

When Zoe got there, she walked in, in tears.

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