Big sister

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Danny stayed with Jessica for a while, then stepped out to give Dorothy and Sarah some time with her.

"Hi baby.." Dorothy says with sympathy in her voice.

"Hi.." Jessica smiles softly.

"How are you feeling?"

"Okay.. Shocked, but I'm okay."

"We were in shock too."

"I just can't believe it. I should have said something before."

"No Jess, this is no ones fault." Sarah says.

"You're right..

.. I should just be thankful that all of my babies are healthy. All five of them." She chuckles and wipes her eyes.

"Five! How crazy is it that my beautiful baby has five beautiful babies! You and Danny are so blessed, Jessie."

"We are." She smiles.

"How much longer will you have to stay because of the surgery?" Sarah asks.

"Just one or two more days."

"Oh that's not bad."

"Yeah.. It's gonna be so crazy.  Especially since I can't really do anything."

"Zoey and I are gonna go over and help you guys out." Dorothy says.

"Aw, I feel bad."

"Don't!  We want to.  Besides, Danny will go insane with five kids!" She laughs.

"That's true!" Jessica laughs.  "Thank you."

"No probably, baby!"


Two days later.

"How are you feeling baby?"



"Yeah.. *Sighs* Well I'm gonna get dressed. Are they bringing the boys?"

"Let me call."

Danny picks up the phone and jokes, "Hello, I'd like to order some babies!"

Jessica laughs and slowly walks to the bathroom to change.

"You got it, baby?" Danny asks.

"Yeah, I'm good. Thanks."

When Jessica comes out Danny says, "They're bringing the boys, and we can leave as soon as they're ready."

"Good. Thanks."

"You ready to go home?"

"Yes! I wanna sleep in my own bed, and piss in my own bathroom! I just wanna go home." She chuckles.

Danny laughs and Jessica walks closer to him and sits her gown on the bed.

He holds her waist and smiles.

"I bet you're glad to be in a pair of pants!"

"Heh! I am."

"Your ass is looking fine in those yoga pants, babydoll."

"Danny." She smiles.

Danny looks into her eyes and smiles before Jessica bends down and kisses his lips.

"Mmm.." He moans into her.

"I love you, beautiful."

"I love you too." She smiles.

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