First Day

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August came and it was time for the little ones to start school.

Arabella and Joshua couldn't wait for their first day. Joseph and Coltan on the other hand, were dreading Monday.

"I don't want to go, mommy.  I can just stay here with you." Joseph says.

"No baby, you need to go.  You'll have SO much fun.  I promise you!"

"I don't want to go either!  What if something happens?" Coltan says.

"Baby boy, nothing is going to happen!  Mommy, daddy, your brothers and sisters will all be okay."

"But I'll miss you."

"Me too!" Joseph pouts.

"Oh my boys." Jessica wraps her arms around the both of them.

"Can we please stay home?" Joseph asks.

"I'm afraid not, Joe.. you have to go to school, buddy."

Joseph immediately starts whining.

"Nuh uh, don't whine.  You'll be fine!" Jessica smiles.


Monday morning.

"Please no more pokes!  I don't like it." Arabella cries softly.

"I'll be a good girl, guys." She says in the saddest little voice.

"Princess, we're not doing this cause you're bad.  You're a very good girl.  You just need your medicine.  Come on, deep breaths.."

Arabella breathes with her mother.

"Now one deep deep breath, and blow it out.... Good girl!"

"Eh!  OW!" She cries.

"It's okay, it's okay.  It's all over!  Good job, pretty girl!" Jessica kisses her cheek.

"Mommy, how long will I be sick?"

"You're not sick, baby. As long a you take this medicine, you will not be sick."

"So I have to take it forever?"

Jessica took a deep breath. Her heart hurt for Arabella.

"Yes baby. This is something you will have to take.. for the rest of your life." Jessica didn't want to lie to Arabella.

"Or else I'll die "

"What? No, baby! No, don't say that! Now come on. Let's get ready for school. You're super excited, remember?"

"Yeah.. mommy! What if my thingy goes off?!"

"If it goes off, your teacher knows why to do. It'll be okay, princess." Jessica caresses her cheek.


"Mom!  How do I look?"

"Oh Sophia!  My beautiful baby girl!  You look gorgeous!"

"Thank you!"

"My precious little girl.  How are you in the eighth grade already?  That just doesn't seem possible!"

"I know!  Next year I'll be in high school!" Sophia smiles.

"Stop!" Jessica grabs Sophia and pulls her to her chest.

"My baby girl!  Stop growing!"



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